presents a

Schools and Libraries Telecommunications Summit

Friday, October 23, 1998 from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM. in the Conference Center located at Yolo County Superintendent of Schools 1240 Harter Avenue, Woodland, CA 530-668-6700


Yolo Area Regional Network (YARN) invites you to participate in a special Schools and Libraries Telecommunications Summit on Friday, October 23, 1998, at the Office of the Yolo County Superintendent of Schools, 1240 Harter Avenue in Woodland, CA.

The purpose of the YARN Schools and Libraries Telecommunications Summit is to facilitate strong commitments to becoming communities of learning by:

  • Identifying the telecommunications infrastructure that is in place to support libraries and schools (kindergarten through college) and determining gaps needs which need to be addressed so that those served have appropriate access, and
  • Exchanging information in order to identify common interests for the purposes of sharing resources and opportunities for future collaborations or partnerships.

There will be no cost to participants. The Yolo Area Regional Network thanks Quest Systems Incorporated for their support of this Schools and Libraries Telecommunications Summit.


8:30-9:00 Registration/Continental Breakfast

9:00 Introduction, Overview of Summit Richard Lowenberg, YARN and Davis Community Network Elizabeth Zemmels, Yolo County Superintendent of Schools What is YARN? Who's here and who ought to be here? What do we hope to accomplish at this Summit? Welcome, Quest Systems, Inc.

9:20 Schools and Libraries Infrastructure Analysis Greg Lindner, Director, Information and Technology Services, YCSS Survey analysis: What is the current status of regional schools and libraries connectivity, access, systems and applications? What observations and projections emerge?

Participant(s) are asked to fill out an Infrastructure Survey about their organization/agency by October 9, 1998. This can be done by accessing www.yarn.org/edu-summit/survey
or requesting hard copy by calling 530-668-6700.

10:15 Break (visit displays) Information tables and computer displays will be networked adjacent to the meeting room, with examples of networked school and library applications.

10:30 Training What are the region's various training needs? How might they best be met?

1O:50 Support and Sustainability What are identified support and funding resources and methods? What are the various regional schools and libraries strategic technology plans? Where do we want to go, and how might we best get there? Are there opportunities and consensus for partnering?

11:20 Partnerships and Collaboration - A panel with representatives from the University of California Davis, Yolo County Superintendent of Schools, School Districts, Yolo County Libraries, others.

12:30 Adjourn (visit displays)

This program is intended to spark lively debate, generate valuable new information, and add to a better understanding of critical issues among presentors and attendees. Your participation will add to the needed substance and action on a most important topic.


Schools and Libraries Telecommunications Summit Friday, October 23, 1998 from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM. in the Conference Center located at the Yolo County Superintendent of Schools 1240 Harter Avenue, Woodland, CA 530-668-6700

Participant(s) are asked to fill out an Infrastructure Survey about their organization/agency by October 9, 1998. This can be done by accessing www.yarn.org/edu-summit/survey on the Internet or requesting hard copy by calling 530-668-6700.

REGISTRATION (Please send by October 20, 1998)





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RSVP by fax at 530-668-3848 or e-mail to ezemmels@yolo.k12.ca.us or mail to Yolo County Superintendent of Schools, Attention: Jan 1240 Harter Avenue, Woodland, CA 95776-6106