Yolo Area Regional Network

Yolo County Regional Telecommunications
(aka Yolo Area Regional Network)
Organizational Group

Notes from the 6-20-96 meeting

In Attendance: Maynard Skinner, Kari Peterson, Tony Bernhard, Lynn Maynard, Vicki Suter, Kris Kristiansen

  1. Reviewed notes from the first meeting, 6-6-96

  2. Kris brought the group up to speed on what's been going on in Woodland vis a vis telecom developments.

  3. Lynn reported on the first meeting of the Resource Mapping committee. She said only Davis folks attended which was problematic. She also indicated they had a question of *authority*. They are interested in approaching Pac Bell, for example, and wonder under whose authority and on whose behalf they do so.

    The group decided that it was appropriate for each committee to do whatever it needed to do to get their respective jobs done and that all committees would reconvene at the end of the summer and share their findings at a third summit event. At this point we are fairly independent committees with little in the way of a managing authority.

  4. Much discussion took place regarding the original charge of the Organizational committee. Consensus was that we are to propose to the greater group an organizational structure and process for
    1. regional information sharing
    2. a means to communicate with other players, partners
    3. advancing telecom development in the region

    Tony felt we were also to develop a vision for the greater group.

    Maynard added that the proposed organizational structure be a vehicle for identifying the needs of all partners and players, serve as a clearinghouse for information on telecom issues, and be a filter entity through which all regional telecom efforts would flow.

    Kris added that the organizational structure also include a forum for education and outreach.

    Vicki summarized the Organizational committee charge as:

    1. Create a vision for the Yolo Area Regional Network
    2. Recruit key leadership
    3. Define common needs of players in the region
    4. Define the ultimate organizational structure of the Yolo Area Regional Network

    She said our first steps were to 1) do some intelligence gathering -- do a situation inventory of the region -- and, 2) educate others not previously involved in the summits.

    Our ultimate goal is to be able to leverage joint resources in dealing with industry players, like the phone companies, cable companies, etc., in order to stimulate development of regional infrastructure. We must "weave together" all that has happened, all that is happening and then move forward.

    The committee discussed the huge range of knowledge out there, from:

    Don't know a thing
    about computers
    We have a "smart"

    Committee decided the next step would be to set up a series of community presentations with the goal being 1) to identify and mobilize key community leaders and 2) share info on the greater regional effort underway.

    Target areas: Winters (1), Woodland (2), W. Sac (2). We would consider schools, libraries, firehouses, and farm bureau as contacts in the Esparto and Clarksberg areas

    After considering various target audiences, we decided to organize one presentation which would serve as a pilot for future presentations. The first one will target County Department heads, Woodland leaders (Council, Wdld City dept heads, school leaders, farm bureau and the Woodland Chamber of Commerce).

    There will be 50-70 people invited, half of whom may show up.

    Goal is:
    Educate players
    Participation in YARN
    Weave initiatives into the process for something
    concrete (initiatives might include public access kiosks, regional training centers, resource mapping).

    Kari, Lynn and Vicki will prepare 1st community presentation.

    Tony and Kris will provide introductions

  5. The group decided the name of this grand regional effort is: "Yolo Area Regional Network."

  6. Other Action:
    1. get Kris Kristiansen online -- Lynn & DCN
    2. provide summary notes to group -- Kari
    3. find meeting place in Woodland -- Kris
    4. prepare a picture/organizational chart of this group -- Kari
    5. Tony will send a map of Yolo City to all who need it

  7. We determined that at our next meeting we would:
    • plan the first community presentation
    • review a proposed organizational structure

Notes submitted by Kari Peterson

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