Board Meeting Minutes

July 15, 2003

This meeting was held at the home of Stephen Souza.
Present (10 total) were:
President: Stephen Souza,
Vice President: Barbara Slemmons
Treasurer: Absent due to illness
Recording Secretary: G Richard Yamagata,
Past President: Bob Bockwinkel,
Board members: Julia Sanchez, Mary Lou Hernandez, Jerry Lester, Susan Peter-Thompson, Adrienne Candell, Tony Gruska and Mike Syvanen

Guests: Anais Vayssieres, Robin Souza, Barbara

The Secretary arrived at 7:19 PM at which time the meeting was called to order.

The minutes for the last meeting were moved for approval with changes by Julia. This was seconded by Bob. The motion carried unanimously. The minutes of the May meeting were previously passed at the June meeting in the absence of the secretary, as noted by Stephen Souza. This was because the minutes were posted on the web before the meetings.

It was reported that the club has $11,000 in its treasury. There was not a detailed report, because the treasurer, Betty, was not present due to a back injury. There were three new members that signed on at the passport and donors level. The July 4th fundraiser brought in $260 of which $90 went into the club’s treasury.

Mary Lou suggested that the ingredients be donated by the club board members next year, so that the club will be able to keep more of the money that it makes. Robin suggested that the club sell fresh squeezed lemonade, next year. Mary Lou suggested that we sell the mixed virgin drinks and the lemonade next year. Susan said that she could donate lemons for this project next year.

The Yolo County Central committee did not supply volunteers nor did they financially contribute to the booth. So, the money does not have to be shared with them.

The discussion of next year’s fundraising booth was tabled until next year.

It was stated that there are currently 4 Davis Democrat Club members that are running for City Council. This means that there will be no specific endorsements by the club this election cycle. The club members will continue to be allowed to place ads and articles in the club newsletter and at its web site.

In the same vein, it was stated that any person can write an article and send it in for publication in the newsletter. The newsletter will be published every two months.

The newsletter editor, Anais Vayssieres, attended the meeting. Bob stated that the newsletter will probably bring in more members to the club. He also stated that we can get more money from ads and we can expand the advertising as we expand the content.

Barbara stated that we may need an editorial board for the newsletter. A general announcement will be sent out to the board about the content of the newsletter.

Currently, the newsletter will be 6 to 8 pages. There will be a general solicitation for articles to the newsletter sent out to the public.

The numbering of the issues was discussed and resolved.

The cost per issue does not increase due to the cost of postage. The cost of the issue is dependent upon the number of pages to be copied.

Bob Bockwinkel is in charge of advertising.

The editor wanted to change the format of the newsletter and get rid of the black band with text along the left margin. The editor also wanted to change the layout of the ads. It was also stated that if new ad layouts were submitted, they could be incorporated into the newsletter.

Bob moved that the editor be allowed to change the format of the newsletter. Mike Syvanen seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

The meeting will be noticed for July 28th at the Blanchard room. The Greens said that they will attend. It was stated that the Green Party’s official position is against the recall and the party will not be formally endorsing a candidate. This is a public forum and it was stated that the local Davis Greens are for the recall. It is Mariko Yamada’s idea to bring the Greens back into the Democratic Party.

Adrienne proposed that we schedule speakers that are against the recall to speak at the meeting. There was general agreement and no dissention in doing this. Barbara stated that we had two good speakers at the Champagne Brunch and that they should be asked to speak at the meeting. These were Dave Rosenberg and Mike Machado.

This is an organizational meeting and there are two goals stated for this meeting: 1. We invite people to speak that have passion for this issue. 2. Plan what we can do to organize the anti-recall mission in this county

Adrienne recommended that we invite Mike Machado to speak, because he was recalled. We will also be gathering names and phone numbers. This is a way to get lists of people to work against the recall. Bob Mulholland is already out there speaking and organizing against the recall.

There will be expected 50 to 60 people attending the meeting. Mary Lou stated that she expected more people and wanted it in a larger space. Stephen stated that since this is an organizational meeting, we will get a better idea of attendance for the future and can plan accordingly. Also, the Blanchard Room only costs $25/night to rent.

General polls state that this is a growing social issue and that white labor and Blacks are against the recall, while the state’s Latino population, including Democrats, are for the recall. With all of this in mind, it was stated that it is imperative that we invite Mike Machado to speak at this event. A motion was placed on the floor, but because there was universal agreement, it was generally accepted and an invitation was put forth to Mike Machado to address the first meeting of the No Recall in Yolo County assemblage (note: State Sen. Mike Machado did attend the 1st meeting).

Other guests that were mentioned as important:
1. The first woman Hispanic elected to city council in West Sacramento
2. Christopher Cabaldan
3. Bob Mulholland

There are three aspects that the campaign should concentrate upon, suggested by Adrienne and embraced by the group present:
1. Abuse of the electoral process.
2. Turmoil in the state.
3. The good that Davis has done.

Barbara suggested a picture in the paper for publicizing the date and time of this event.

The date and time for the next meeting will be discussed at this meeting on the 28th.

Scott Lay and Mariko Yamada will make the phone calls and will schedule the speakers. This event will be a coffee and soft drink affair.

This event is from the 13th through the 17th of August. The club has committed to taking Saturday, the 16th. We will have time slot sign-ups closer to the event.

This event is scheduled for 6:30 to 8:30 on August 28th. The amount of the donation at the door will be $5. The question was asked by Richard Yamagata at Jerry Kaneko’s request. Jerry Kaneko wants the fee to be low so that many will attend. The main purpose of this event is to get the Democrats together at the end of summer to get them ready to work during the upcoming year. To this end, the main event are the soapbox speeches from the electeds, the candidates and the pundits.

Mary Lou was assigned the task to bring a list as to who will bring what to this event.


The Davis Peace Coalition is asking for a formal endorsement of their organization by all organizations that wish to keep their links on the links page of Davis Peace Coalition web site.

Bob moved that the club board endorse the group. Adrienne seconded the motion.

Mike Syvanen state that the Democratic Party needs to achieve support of 51% of the voters in the state. He feels that the DPC only has the support for its efforts of 10% of the state. Mike does not believe that the Davis Democrat Club should be a formal part of the coalition. Mike suggested that we keep our distance from the organization. Board members can individually be apart of that organization.

It was generally agreed that we want the web link, but we want to stop short of formal endorsement of the Davis Peace Coalition. A final decision on this was postponed until we can hear from Betty Weir.

Adrienne submitted a draft letter for the executive board’ s consideration to be endorsed.

The issue that is addressed is that many people in Davis are against the bio-lab being build on the main campus. The resistance drops proportionately to the distance away from the main campus and the City of Davis. As such, the letter asks that our Federal electeds investigate if the terms of the NIH proposal can be changed after the grant is awarded. It is agreed that it is unfair for people submitting their grants be able to change the terms of their proposal after the deadline.

Bob made the motion and Mike seconded it for the executive board endorsement. The club will be asked to send its own version of the letter. Adrienne suggested that it would not be hard to do and can be achieved via phone calls to the membership on this issue. Bob suggested that this issue be addressed in the next newsletter with a copy of the letter that the executive board endorsed, so the membership can already have an idea of the issue before the phone calls are made. This was pasted by consensus.

Stephen and Sue Greenwald will be contacted for a meeting with Adrienne to construct the letter to the electeds.

It was noted that there have been complaints that there is not enough noticing of the meetings. People that could be invited to the meeting include: Ellie Fairclaw, Kingsley, and Mike Machado’s aide.

Stephen stated that we regularly schedule the meetings for the second Tuesday of each month at 7PM. This is posted at the club web site. It should be printed in the newsletter, which should be coming out more often. Also, the club maintains an e-mail list that is maintained by the poster of the list (currently Richard Yamagata). It was recommended that the list be expanded.

Richard recommended that we apply for a DCN mailman list. Once we have the list, people can add themselves and remove themselves for the list. There will be link from the web site to this list.

Mary Lou stated that she was disappointed by the turn out for this event which was low. She stated that the club could have done more to support this event. Stephen stated that the club did mail out postcards for this event. It was also noted that Stan Forbes asked for help and this was the help that was given. The club did not turn its mailing list over to Stan, but instead it received the printed cards from Stan and placed the labels on the cards promoting the event.

It was also discussed that the title of the book is not a good one. Richard noted that he thought that Capitol Kitty meant a children’s lobby group that was raising money for its kitty of funds.

Susan introduced this discussion with a recounting of the history of the Stonewall Democrats versus the history of the Log Cabin Republicans. What Susan suggested is that the club start communicating with this group and that we invite and do a meeting exchange in terms of attendance.

Bob made the motion that the club follow through on the actions initiated by Susan. This was seconded by Mike. The motion passed by consensus.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:23 PM by Stephen.

These minutes are respectfully submitted by:

      G Richard Yamagata

This web page is authorized and paid for by the Davis Democratic Club (Copyright © 2003) and
updated by
G.Richard Yamagata. Last updated: July, 2003

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