Board Meeting Minutes

January 13, 2004

This meeting was held at the home of Betty Weir.
Present (9 members total) were:
President: Stephen Souza,
Vice President: Barbara Slemmons
Treasurer: Betty Weir
Recording Secretary: G Richard Yamagata
Past President: Absent
Board members: Julia Sanchez, Adrienne Candell, Tony Gruska and Mike Syvanen.

Guests: Two guests, Paul Schramski and Avi Singh representing the Campus Democrats.

Stephen Souza called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM.

The minutes from the December Meeting were approved with no changes. The minutes were moved forward for a vote by Barbara and were seconded by Julia. The motion carried unanimously.

Stephen Souza commented about the Woodland Democrat Club. They are having problems and it was suggested that they send a representative to the Davis meetings. No Action was required nor taken on these minutes.

The club has $2600 in the checking account and $7000 in a reserve CD. A total of $9600 remains in the treasury. It was commented that this is not enough money to keep a campaign headquarters open. Ideas were put forward for raising funds and to get more people to pay their dues into the club.

It was discussed on how to let people know that their dues were due. There will be a “red dot” campaign with the next newsletter, where those that owe dues will have a red dot on their newsletters. It was suggested that the club send a separate post card reminder. The estimated cost for this was $60. Stephen made the motion and Barbara seconded it. No vote was taken on this motion. Instead discussion continued that the message on the post card be that we need money for a campaign headquarters. This must be done before the biannual general meeting.

The general club meeting will be from 6:30 to 8:30 PM at the Blanchard Room, located at the Davis Branch of the Yolo County Library. It should be announced that you need to be a member to vote and you need to pay your dues to be able to vote. The slate mailed out to members needs to be mailed back for the votes to be counted before the general club meeting on the last Tuesday of next month, February 24. The program will focus on the new officers that will be elected.

The candidates for city council will be introduced at the meeting with Mike Syvanen being introduced as Sue Greenwald’s representative. All candidates will be invited to bring their campaign literature to this meeting.

For those that need suggestions as to what to bring to the potluck, the division of the alphabet follows:
A-H Salad
I-S Main Dish
T-Z Dessert
Or Your Choice.

G Richard Yamagata said that he would bring pizza.

Avi Singh, representing the UC Davis student Democrats will be placed on the general meeting agenda to tell the members present what the college Dems are doing. His report to the present group was that the club was going to volunteer to work on the floor of the Democratic convention in San Jose. On Friday they are sponsoring an Art Torres dinner and they are involved with Barbara Boxer and her speech on Sunday.

It was stated that the new president would be introduced at the meeting and take over leading the meeting. The current slate that will be mailed out to the membership will be:
President: Tony Gruska
Vice President: Mike Syvanen
Treasurer: Betty Weir
Recording Secretary: G Richard Yamagata

It was stated again that we need a membership person that would follow-up on recruiting people into the club that contact us. We currently get 1 to 2 of these through the web site.

It was noted again that the club will put campaign and business ads in for $100 in its campaign newsprint editions. For the regular 8.5 by 11 inch newsletters, the cost is $25/issue. To place an ad, the people need to contact Bob Bockwinkel.

It was noted that there were 5 club members running for office (secretary’s note – Heystek was inadvertently left out): Sue Greenwald, Stephen Souza, Don Saylor, David Sandino and Mariko Yamada. These people will be contacted and invited to send 250 words into the newsletter. A rough idea of when the newsletter will be laid out is 25th of January. It was suggested that they write about their vision for the city or county and their ideas on how to get involved in the community.

Betty committed to sending in an article about the 2nd Supervisorial District where 7 people are running for 5 seats for the Yolo County Democratic Party Central Committee. The newsletter should also state that in the contested election in the second district that the members have to turn out to vote to choose their representative.

A Recap Follows from November noting what remains in this issue --> Newsletter content that was suggested to the editor via Adrienne were the following: · Letter to the editor about cell phones by Adrienne

The format of the newsletter was discussed and the costs involved in mailing the various formats. The format decided upon was 8.5 by 11” pages. It was suggested that the club collect money from the various candidates running for city council for ads in the newsletter.

It was stated that the web site address should be put in the masthead or sidebar of the newsletter that contains the Board officers and PO Box address for the club. The address for the web site is: The web site currently gets traffic over 3300 hits/month. (Traffic was 4200 in October)

It was announced again that the newsletter should announce that there will be Board elections on February 24th. The offices are:
Vice President
Recording Secretary
<-- End of Recap

No one at the meeting had seen the comic book. Since Bob Bockwinkel was not present, no action was taken on this at the meeting. It was requested once again that a copy of the comic book be made available to the board to decide upon this issue.

No decisions were made; conversation became long and unfocused and some of those present were starting to fade.

Because people were fading fast, Mike moved to adjourn the meeting. Tony seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned by unanimous agreement at 8:18 PM.

These minutes are respectfully submitted by:

      G Richard Yamagata

This web page is authorized and paid for by the Davis Democratic Club (Copyright © 2003,2004) and
updated by
G.Richard Yamagata. Last updated: February, 2004

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