Welcome to the DMNC's website. Over time, we hope this site provides increasingly valuable information for our neighborhood. If you would like to help with the site or provide material, please contact the volunteer Webmaster - Debbie Martin at wildtrax@dcn.org. We also want to thank the Davis Community Network for providing us this site for free!

Presently, we need some friends of the path to the community garden to help in planting, mulching/weeding, and occasionally watering this stretch. Day jobs or long-term options. Good vibe benefits. Contact any board member if you are interested.

Respite Center Meeting
Sunday, March 2nd
4:00 - 6:30 p.m.
Da Vinci High School Tech Hub

The meeting will be facilitated by Orit Kalman and will include City Council members Donna Neville and Gloria Partida, and City staffers Kelly Stachowicz (Assistant City Manager), Jenny Tan (Director of Community Engagement), and Dana Bailey (Director of Social Services and Housing). The Davis Police Department and the Davis Street Team, which currently operates the Respite Center, will also be represented, as well as members of the Davis Manor Neighborhood Council/Creative Action Team. If you are not able to stay for the full meeting time, please come for whatever portion you are able.

Questions? Contact Jenny Tan, Community Engagement Manager at Jenny Tan


... more photos

Missed Neighbors' Night Out and Dare to Imagine? View the video here.

View photos of the traffic circle work party.

Listen to speeches and watch the video from the Davis Manor Lighting Ceremony here.

DMNC Merchant Meeting Notes

We welcome news and new ideas.

To post an announcement, contact Debbie.


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