Davis Manor Neighborhood Council
Board Meeting Notes
April 27, 2004
Attending: Fred Buderi, Aaron Ristow, Jen Nachmanoff, Kevin Wolf, Mark Pollock
Draft Notes by Kevin
- Annual Party
- Date: Saturday June 26 from 5:30 – 10 pm
- Location: N Street Park
- Music: Permit for amplified music – Mark. Life music - Everyone should be looking for live music to play that evening. Contact Mark Pollock at markvw@pacbell.net.
- Food, raffle, etc to be decided at the planning meeting scheduled for May 17 7:30 pm at 716 N Street. All are welcome.
- Annual Garage Sale
- Date: Saturday morning from 9 am til noon on June 26
- Location: Anywhere in the neighborhood. Everyone is encouraged to participate.
- How: The DMNC board will pay for an ad in the Enterprise, post flyers, put in the press release and an article in the neighborhood newsletter.
- Anyone interested in hosting a fundraising garage sale for the neighborhood where people could donate items to it?
- Board Officer election
- The board members selected Fred Buderi as president, Mark as Vice President, and Jen as Treasurer. A board secretary is still needed. Any volunteers? Contact Fred at fbuderi@sbcglobal.net.
- Next Newsletter
- An editor is needed to put the articles together into a final product. Kevin will help.
- Jen will write the articles for the Garage Sale and Party.
- Kevin will write an update on the Colgate Traffic Calming.
- Mark will interview and write a story about the Mazes on L Street who have lived in the neighborhood since the very first houses were made.
- Fred will write up a summary on the new Board Members and give a shopping center update.
- Jen will write up info on how to become a paid member and list the members.
- Kevin will write short write up on the website.
- Craig Blomberg will be asked to write an update on the path to the community garden.
- Next Board meeting
- The board will meet immediately after the meeting on annual party on May 17. The party meeting should take about 30 minutes. The board meeting will go until around 9 pm. The meeting will be at 716 N Street. All are welcome.
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