Davis Manor Neighborhood Council
Board Meeting Notes
May 17, 2004
Draft Notes by Fred
- Annual Block Party
- Date:Saturday, June 26, from 5:30 - 10:00pm, at N Street Mini Park
- Food:Potluck dinner/BBQ; Bring drinks & paper plates to share, too.
The DMNC will provide the BBQ grill, lemonade, plasticware, and dessert.
- Music: Asking for bands. Gordon will serve as a contact person for bands to call. Kevin, Gordon have a few to contact.
- Gaby Lewin to provide sound equipment.
- Brian Rivers has volunteered to help operate sound equpt.
- Kevin and Aaron will talk to N St. residents about helping with sound/setup.
- Needed: People for equipment setup and take down. This means going to Gaby's place to pick up equipment and returning to him next morning.
- Mark Pollock obtaining noise permit.
- Raffle:
- Aaron (757-2932) will be a contact person for people to call with offers of services/items.
- Will sell tickets at $0.50 each. Will sell at the party, with tickets bought for each individual item. Place tickets in cup next to each item and then we'll draw for each item from these.
- Jen has roll of tickets.
- Jen will ask Emily if she can help at table for selling tickets(correct?).
- "MC's" needed for later. Fred will be there earlier, but not later in the evening.
- Flyer Distribution:
- done week before event. Will finalize and plan walking distribution at next Board Meeting: Tuesday June 15, 7:30 - 9:00.
- NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALE: Same day as Block Party. DMNC will place ad in Enterprise, with hours of 8am -12 noon, and will send a short "article" for the newspaper, too. (Did we discuss who will do this?)
- Colgate Speed Bump: We received notice from City that they would recommend against the speed bump. City Council meeting takes
place tomorrow, May 18. We are Item 10 on the agenda. Kevin will attend (maybe Sue & Don) and ask Council to allow for speed bumps
even if traffic speed data don't meet City criteria because Colgate is a school drop-off street. If Council adopts staff
recommendation, no traffic calming will be installed. City unable/unwilling to break down the data so Kevin and others could
analyze it to help demonstrate why there is a problem during drop-off/pick-up hours for school.
- Shopping Center Revitalization Workshop: The City's Business & Economic Development Commission will conduct a workshop in
revitalization strategies for the Davis Manor Shopping Center on Thursday, June 10, 7pm-9pm at the Police Department Community Room.
A panel of experts will discuss potential strategies for revitalizing older shopping centers. Former DMNC Board Member jesikah
maria ross will serve on the panel to provide our neighborhood experience on what we've done. Commission will be looking for
ideas from participants. Good turnout needed.
- Newsletter: Send articles to Kevin asap.
- NEXT MEETING: Tuesday June 15, N St. Common House, 7:30-9pm.
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