Davis Manor Neighborhood Council
June 2004 Edition
Editor: Kevin Wolf - kevin@wolfandassociates.com
Annual Party and Neighborhood Garage Sale
By: Jennifer Nachmanoff - jennach@dcn.org
The DMNC’s Annual Block Party and Neighborhood Garage Sale are coming up on Saturday, June 26. These events are great opportunity to get out and meet your neighbors, while also cleaning out your house, finding other peoples’ items that you can use, and enjoying some good food and music.
Garage sales will begin Saturday morning. The DMNC will pay for an ad in the Davis Enterprise announcing that garage sales will be taking place throughout our neighborhood. The ad will say that sales start at 8am and end at noon. Feel free to start earlier and end later. We will also get an article on the sales published in the paper. In the past, this event has generated a lot of shoppers and has been good fun to boot.
The neighborhood block party will take place from 5:30pm to 10pm at the N St. Park and will feature live music, a potluck dinner and barbeque, and games for everyone. Please bring:
- something for the barbeque
- a potluck dish to share
- drinks for you and your family
- your own plate and utensils
- something to sit on
- any activities for kids to share
DMNC will provide dessert and lemonade.
You can also bring any nice items from your garage sale or donate your services for a raffle to benefit the neighborhood council.
Those donating services will be given recognition in the Fall DMNC newsletter. Last year’s raffle was a big success and a real
bargain for those who invested in tickets. If you are interested in donating to the raffle or helping to sell raffle tickets
during the garage sales and block party, please contact Jen Nachmanoff at 757-6249 or jennach@dcn.org.
We are still looking for musicians interested in performing half-hour or hour long sets at the block party. An open mic will also
be available. A sound system will be provided by Gabe Lewin. Performers need not live in the neighborhood, although preference
will be given to those who do. Anyone interested should contact Aaron Ristow at 757-2932 or ajristow@ucdavis.edu.
By: jesikah maria ross - jmross@ucdavis.edu
The Business and Economic Development Commission is holding a workshop concerning the Davis Manor Shopping Center. The primary purpose of the workshop, which will explore the revitalization of the center, is to educate the Commissioners on the variety of opportunities for the underutilized site. You are welcome and encouraged to attend the workshop.
WHEN | Thursday, June 10, 2004 7:00 - 9:00 pm |
WHERE | Davis Police Dept Community Room, 2600 5th Street |
The main question for the Commission is what is the highest and best use possible for the Davis Manor site. The question will be discussed in the context of neighborhood needs, community needs as well as the site's opportunities and constraints. Members of the workshop panel will offer their professional counsel on the current status of the shopping center, revitalization, and infill. If you have any questions you would like to ask the panel, please send them to jmross@ucdavis.edu.
Where can I park?
By: Gordon Green - GHGRoots@aol.com
Anyone may park on any street in Davis, with a few exceptions. Obviously, parking is prohibited in areas with red curbs or in front of fire hydrants. It is also illegal to park in front of a driveway. People are not required to park in front of their own homes, or leave space free in front of someone else's home, though it is polite to do so. Some neighbor-hoods have parking districts, which limit parking to residents or employees with parking permits - the rules are outlined on the signs. These areas are generally closer to the University or the downtown.
There is no limit to the number of vehicles that can be owned by a household. However, vehicles visible from the street must be operable and have a current DMV registration. Vehicles may not park on lawns or other non-paved surfaces. A vehicle parked on the street without moving for more than three days may be determined to be abandoned. To initiate a complaint about an inoperable vehicle, call code compliance at 757-5646 or email codecompliance@ci.davis.ca.us. To file a complaint about an abandoned vehicle, call the Police Department at (530) 747-5400. This information came from the Dept.: Planning and Building webpage:
Traffic Calming on Colgate - Update
The city traffic engineer has sent many in the neighborhood a survey regarding their support or
opposition to traffic calming undulations on Colgate. Please return your form to the city as soon as
possible. They want to have a high percentage return to gain a truer sense of the neighborhood about
this proposal.
Interview with Joe and Ina Mayes
Photo and Interview by Mark Pollock
May 22nd, 2004
Joe and Ina Mayes bought their L Street house brand new in 1954, and have lived in it ever since.
Q: Why did you originally choose to move to Davis?
Ina: My parents lived in Woodland, and his parents lived in Winters, and we were trying to get halfway in between, so he (Joe) got a job here in Davis.
Q: So you chose to move to this particular house because of price?
Ina: Yes, we were originally living in Newman house, it was a duplex and we were on the church side. These houses weren't here yet.
Joe: At the time, it cost $300 to get into a house, that was your closing costs and everything. I was just out of the service, and we didn't have that much and had to borrow it. It may not sound like much now, but it was a lot then.
Q: And the house cost…?
Ina: $9,250
Joe: It was the only thing available in our means.
Q:This was regarded pretty far out of town at the time.
Ina:Oh yeah, we were outcasts, we were definitely on the wrong side of the tracks.
Joe:It was kind of a caste thing!
Ina: And people kept telling us "Your house is not going to last ten years, those houses are crackerboxes!" I can tell them that when they tore out our back wall, we found out they are very solid!
Joe: When we moved in, there were lots of children, everybody had children.
Ina: We were all about the same age, and the kids were about the same age. You didn't walk your kids to school, they walked themselves to school!
Q: You used to own the furniture store on L street?
Joe: We were there for about 20 years.
Ina: That was our third store. The first was where the theaters are on G Street, we were right on the railroad tracks in a Quonset hut. It was called the Red Barn. It just had a mud floor, and whenever the train went by, everything would be covered in dust.
Joe: And our second shop was on 1st Street, then we moved into the building down L Street.
Q:So how do you keep yourselves active?
Ina: He works about fourteen hours a day.
Joe: Workaholic. I like to work. And we like to travel. When we slowed down our traveling, I started doing more of my crafts work.
Q:What suggestions do you have for a long and happy marriage?
Ina: Tolerate each others defects.
Joe: Tolerance for each other. And kindness, not trying to run over the other person.
Ina: Give and take, you have to give and take some.
Joe: There will be some bumps in the road, but you just have to make up your mind and face it. Mostly it's kindness though.
Ina:It's worked for us for fifty-four years.
- DMNC Board Members (2004-2005)
- Fred Buderi - President
- 758-8203 fbuderi@sbcglobal.net
- Mark Pollock - Vice President
- 756-7926 markvw@pacbell.net
- Jen Nachmanoff - Treasurer
- 757-6249 jennach@dcn.org
- Gordon DeFrese - Board Member
- oak3smith@yahoo.com
- Aaron Ristow
- 757-2932 ajristow@ucdavis.edu
- Kevin Wolf - Newsletter Editor
- 758-4211 kevin@wolfandassociates.com
At the General Meeting in March, we elected 3 new Board members. We could still use one more member to get us to a full 7-person Board. The Board meets once a month, except July & August, and runs the annual General Meeting, block party along with other events and duties. Please contact any of us if you might be interested.
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