Davis Virtual Novel looking for participants.

September 9, 1997 (Event is September 15)
Elisabeth Sherwin -- gizmo@ dcn.davis.ca.us
Davis writers and artists are invited to the second Davis Virtual Novel meeting, which will be held Monday, Sept. 15, 7 p.m., at the city computer lab. The idea is to create a project using new hyper-media techniques including text, graphics and sound in a collaborative, community setting.

This Arts Online meeting at 600 A St. (between City Hall and the Senior Center;
MAP to Training Lab) will be specifically devoted to a discussion of a proposed Davis Virtual Novel. The meeting will be facilitated by Richard Lowenberg, an artist and executive director of Davis Community Network.

Lowenberg received a contract from the city of Davis to run a series of arts workshops devoted to an exploration of creative outlets and uses provided by the Internet. His meetings have been attended by more than 50 people to date. About 10 people attended the first Davis Virtual Novel meeting last month, which ended with participants agreeing that more writers are needed. Musicians, story-boarders, designers, poets and graphic artists also are encouraged to attend to begin work on the first Davis Virtual Novel. Those who do not have computers or are digitally challenged or are not on-line also are invited to attend since there are many ways to get involved. "We hope this will pose a challenge and an opportunity for the many creative writers and artists who live in this regional community," said Lowenberg.

"We want to start getting chapters up and getting the community involved," added Steve McMahon, a DCN volunteer.

Lowenberg, with DCN volunteers, also is in the process of developing an Arts Online Website, which will include an artists' directory, an interactive map of city public arts projects, and sites for local artists and organizations to post virtual portfolios and exhibits. The website also will be a place for local artists and organizations to post publications, forums and special projects.

For more information, phone Lowenberg at 750-1170 or send e-mail with questions or suggestions to dnovel@dcn.davis.ca.us (note the corrected e-mail address for dnovel).

And stay tuned to the DCN for the Arts Online web site at http://www.dcn.davis.ca.us/dcn/arts-online/.

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