O. W. Holmes Jr. High
2008-2009 Student & Family Handbook
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Table of Contents 

         District Mission Statement & Goals (page 2)

         Title IX Information                     (page 3)

          Student-Family-School Oath           (page 4)
               General Information                    (pages 5-9)

·       Bulletin                                

·       Bus Service

·       Cell Phones                     

·       Designated Eating Area

·       Dance/Parties

·       Dress Code

·       Food

·       Hall Passes

·       Health Information

·       Library

·       Lockers

·       Lost & Found

·       Noon Activities

·       Parent Newsletter

·       School Site Council

·       School Climate Committee

·       School Photography

·       Student Body Cards

·       Telephone

·       Valuables

·       Visitors

Attendance (pages 10-11)

·       Attendance Information

·       Leaving Campus During School Hours

·       Make-up Work

·       Punctuality

·       Reporting Absences

·       Student Attendance

·       Tardy Policy

Academics and Counseling (pages 11 - 14)

·       Counselors

·       Concerns with a Class

·       Course Catalog

·       Family Life and Sex Education

·       Grades Check Sheet

·       Progress Reports

·       Report Cards

·       Homework

·       Honor Society

·       Peer Helpers

·       Promotion/Retention Policy

·       Resources to Holmes From the District

o    Community and County

·       Study Tips

·       Teams for Seventh Graders

·       Testing

Activities, Clubs and Athletics (pages 15 - 17)

·       Eligibility Requirements

·       Athletics

·       7th / 8th grade Sports

·       Davis High School Sports


·       Clubs

·       Student Council

·       Yearbook

Rights, Rules and Responsibilities (page 17 - 24)

·       All students are expected to

·       California Education Code

·       Closed Campus

·       Code of Academic Honesty

·       Consequences are defined

·       Dances/ Parties

·       Detention

·       Harassment

·       Lunchtime rules

·       Never bring to school list

·       Noon Supervisors

·       Off limits areas

·       Suspension/ Expulsion

Safety and Transportation (page 25 – 28)

·       Emergency Procedures (page 25)

·       Accidents/Injuries

·       Bicycles

·       Child Abuse

·       Communications Between Parents and School

·       Illness

·       Insurance

·       Medication

·       Nurse

·       Skateboards and/or Skates

·       Transporting Students to School

Whom Do I See?


Davis Joint Unified School District

Mission Statement & District Goals


Mission Statement:

It is the Mission of the Davis Joint Unified School District, in partnership with parents, to provide a quality educational program for all students that develop the knowledge, skills, abilities, and values for our students to reach their full potential.


District Goals:

·       Academic Excellence: The District will advance appropriately challenging academic standards for every student, which will promote the highest possible academic achievement for each student.

·       Safe Environment: The District will provide a safe and secure environment on every campus where standards for behavior will be clearly defined, communicated, and enforced.

·       Staff Development: The District will provide a comprehensive staff development program for the purpose of continual improvement of staff effectiveness leading to high academic success for all students.

·       Facilities Improvement: The District will continue to upgrade facilities and build additional schools to provide appropriate teaching/learning environments that support student achievement.

·       Technology: Resources will be provided for technology designed to improve student academic achievement and vocational competency, and to support staff in meeting the challenges of the 21st century.

·       Diversity: Students will, through a variety of academic and social experiences, become more aware of the diversity of our community, state, nation, and world; and will learn to appreciate differences and understand the commonalities between all people.

·       Vocational Skills: The District will provide opportunities for students to develop contemporary vocational skills necessary to succeed in the world of work.


Title IX Information

Title IX is the portion of the Educational Amendments of 1972, which prohibits sex discrimination in federally assisted education programs. Specifically, Title IX states:


"No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."


The governing regulations cover all aspects of sex discrimination in schools with regard to admissions, treatment of students, and employment.


In an effort to comply with Title IX, the Davis Joint Unified School District affirms that no person shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity.


The following staff members will serve as resource personnel for all program activities including the review of problems which cannot be resolved at the site level or which encompass more than one site:


     Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources -- District Compliance Officer -- 757-5300 

       Derek Brothersl, Principal, Holmes Junior High School -- 757-5445


In further conformity with Title IX, grievance procedures have been adopted by the Board of Education to be used in reference to complaints raised by parents, students, or employees dealing specifically with Title IX. A copy is on file at this site.


Oliver Wendell Holmes Junior High School

Student-Family-School Oath

Partners in Learning


To indicate your review of the Student-Family Handbook, students and parents are expected to read this Oath and sign that you understand it. Failure to sign and return the signature form does not release you from your responsibilities under school policy as described in this Handbook.


Oliver Wendell Holmes Junior High School is founded on the belief that families and schools working together significantly influence student performance, attitudes, aspirations and behavior. In an effort to support the partnership between family and school, the partners agree to the following:


The School’s goals are to:


·       Provide a safe and positive learning environment and a high quality educational program.

·       Maintain regular on-going communication with the home.

·       Encourage and respect family input and participation in decision-making.

·       Provide a variety of opportunities for families to be actively involved in the education of their children.

·       Maintain the dignity of each individual.

·       Involve all staff members in a professional development program that is responsive to the needs of students and their families.

·       Respect students, staff, and families.


The Family’s goals are to:


·       Be responsible for the child’s attending school regularly and on time.

·       Support and maintain a positive attitude toward learning.

·       Provide home support and monitoring of student assignments, homework, and projects to reinforce high classroom standards for learning.

·       Read and respond to all school communication in a timely manner.

·       Participate in school and community sponsored activities.

·       Respect the school, staff, and students.


The Student’s goals are to:


·       Come to class regularly, on time, ready to learn and with assignments completed.

·       Set aside time every day to complete classroom assignments and homework.

·       Know and follow the school and class rules as stated in the Student-Family Handbook.

·       Respect your school, yourself, classmates, staff, and families.

·        Respect the rights of others to learn without disruption.

General Information



·      The daily bulletin is read every day during 3rd period. The bulletin tells about what is going on at school.

·      You may receive the daily bulletin via a list serve by signing up through the office or online here.  The bulletin is also available online at the bulletin page, and you can get archived issues as well.


Bus Service          

·      The Davis Joint Unified School District does not provide bus transportation.    

·      However, Unitrans (the Davis/UCD local municipal bus service system) does provide an express service between South Davis and Holmes Junior High School. Please note that you must purchase a specific express pass to ride this bus.

·      Unitrans requires that bus riders behave respectfully, remain seated while the bus is moving, and keep noise to a minimum. Students who violate these safety rules will not be allowed to continue riding the bus.

·      As a special service, we sell bus passes for the express line. These passes may be purchased in the Attendance Office after school on Tuesday and Thursday. (Cost $7.50 for a 10 ride pass)

·      For other bus transportation needs or questions, please contact Unitrans at 752-2877.

Cell Phones

·      Cell phones are not to be seen or heard during the school day. Due to class disruptions and the possibility of cheating, this rule is strictly adhered to at Harper. If they are seen or heard, they will be confiscated.


Designated Eating Areas

·       You may eat in the multi-purpose room, on the patio, in the library quad, and on the lawn area by the flagpole. Please throw away your trash, and help clean up your area.

·       Finish your lunch and dispose of trash before going to play basketball, volleyball or football.

·       Food is never allowed in the gym


·     To enter a school dance, you must present a current student identification card.

·     Four dances are held during the school year.

·     The dances begin at 7:30 p.m. and end at 10:00 p.m.

·     Your parent/guardian needs to pick you up promptly at 10:00 p.m.

·     There is music and dancing in the gym.

·     The MPR is open for ping-pong and games. Refreshments are sold in the MPR.

·     There are no “formal” events at Holmes Junior High School.

·     See Rights, Rules and Responsibilities section for more Dance rules


Dress Code

The Davis Junior High Schools try to maintain a professional and friendly atmosphere in which teachers can teach and students can learn. While each student's mode of dress and grooming may be an expression of personal style and individual preference, a student's choices may affect the educational program or the health and safety of others.


Our goals are to promote school safety and enhance the learning environment, while at the same time discourage distractions that inhibit learning.


If a student's dress is not in accordance with this policy, any staff member may ask the student to make an appropriate correction.


1.     Student dress shall be safe and neat and clean in appearance. (Pocket chains, collars or bracelets with spikes and clothing with revealing holes and cutouts are all inappropriate for school wear.) (C.C.R. Title 5, Section 302)

2.     Clothing may not glorify or advertise drugs, gangs, weapons, alcohol, tobacco, tobacco products, or sexual behavior.

3.     Clothing must be free of violent, vulgar, or obscene words or phrases, pictures, or symbols.

4.     Footwear must be worn at all times. Footwear must be safe, practical and not limit student participation in school activities.

5.     Clothing, backpacks, make-up and other adornment (e.g. belts hanging down) may not demonstrate or suggest gang-related symbols or colors. No bandanas or du-rags are allowed at school.

6.     Undergarments and underwear must be covered.

7.     Shirts and blouses must cover the back to the shoulder blades and all of the stomach and cleavage. Shirts and pants/skirts must be touching in both front and back. Shirts and tops cannot have straps that tie or be easily unsnapped. Inappropriate tops include but are not limited to: midriff tops, crop tops, tube tops, halter tops, strapless tops.

8.     All of buttocks must be covered. Shorts, pants or skirts should be of an appropriate length. As a general guideline, to determine appropriate length, stand with arms at side making a fist. The clothing should come to, at least, the bottom of the fist.

9.     In addition, clothing may not disrupt the educational process.


This dress code applies to all school activities, including before and after school extra curricular events such as dances and field trips. Generally, students who do not follow the dress code will be referred to the office to change into appropriate school clothing. Repeated violations (considered defiance) will result in more serious consequences, including but not limited to detention, in-school suspension and being sent home.



·       You may purchase a variety of food and drinks in the multi-purpose room.

·       Free and reduced price lunches are available for students who qualify. Application forms for free-and reduced lunches were sent home in the back-to-school packet in August and are available in the Counseling Office or Cafeteria.

·       Ordering food to be delivered at school during the lunch hour or at other times during the day is prohibited. Unfortunately, this conflicts with our food service program and often creates problems for the staff.

·       Teachers may sponsor a pizza party or other special event, but students are not permitted to order food to be delivered to campus during school hours.


Hall Passes

·      Your teacher may excuse you from class; however, you must have a hall pass from your teacher. 



·      The library is open before and after school every day and most lunch periods. Check with the library for current hours of operation. 

·      School rules apply, and a high standard of behavior is expected.

·      To protect the books, no food, drink, or gum is allowed in the library.

·      As stated in School Board Policy, students must pay for lost or damaged books or other library materials. Grades, transcripts and yearbooks will be held until reimbursement has been made.

·      Books may not be removed without checking them out first.   

·      Students who do not follow library rules will lose library privileges.


·      A locker will be assigned to you for your use.

·      Lockers are school property and may be opened by school staff for periodic maintenance checks and/or to maintain a safe school environment.

·      Do not share your combination with anyone and do not leave money or valuables in your locker.

·      Report locker problems to the secretary in the counseling office.    

·      Kicking or over stuffing your locker is a form of vandalism.              

·      Plan to take materials for 2 or 3 classes at a time because a trip to your locker will not be accepted as an excuse for being tardy.

·      Do not leave your lock on the last number of your combination.


Lost and Found (Label Everything!!)

·      Label books, clothing, and calculators, anything you bring to school. Items labeled with your name are easily returned if they are lost.

·      Mark your name with permanent pens or etching when appropriate.

·      Lost and found areas are located in the: MPR, PE locker room, or attendance office.  

·      Turn small items into the attendance office. All other items should go to the multi-purpose room. 

·      Items that are not claimed by the end of each semester are given to local charities.


Noon Activities

·     Depending on the season, basketball, football, soccer, volleyball, and badminton are played at noontime. These sports are open to all students.

·     Many clubs schedule meetings at lunchtime.

·     Special rallies and programs occur at lunch throughout the year.

·     Information announcements are printed in the daily bulletin.


Parent Newsletter             

·      A parent newsletter is published monthly during the school year.

·      It contains calendar items, school news articles of interest to parents, and messages from the principal, vice principal, and/or counselors.

·      You may receive the daily bulletin via a list serve by signing up  through the office or online at the listserv web page.

·      Contact the office for the name of the PTA representative if you have questions or would like to help or see the list of PTA board members online.


School Site Council and School Climate Committee

·      The Holmes School Site Council is composed of parents, students, teachers, and other staff. The School Site Council’s primary task is to develop and monitor the school wide plan for student achievement and to direct various resources and budgets to fulfill that plan. In addition, the Site Council also reviews school rules & procedures and advises the school staff regarding changes.  It has a website here.

·      The School Climate Committee works to promote positive climate on campus and an appreciation and understanding of diversity.


School Photographs

·      All students must have photographs taken whether or not they purchase a picture packet so that their student body card can also serve as a photo identification card.

·      Photos are taken at the beginning of the school year.  

·      To purchase extra photos, bring your picture money with package selection and give it to the photographer. Do not turn picture money into the office. When the photos arrive at school, they will be distributed to students. 


Student Body Cards              

·      Every Holmes Junior High School student will be issued a student body identification card.

·      This identification card will also be used as a Holmes library card.

·      If you lose your card, go to the library during lunchtime to find out when you can replace your card. There will be a fee to replace your card.

·      A current identification card is required to get into any Holmes school dance.



·      The office phone is for business purposes only - student use is restricted. 

·      Students may be allowed to phone parents after 3:45 p.m. Please see the Principal’s secretary.

·      The pay phone is for your use before and after school and at lunchtime only.      

·      The office will not make change for the pay phone.

·      Do not instruct people to call you back on the pay phone. It is set to be a non-ringing phone.

·      Cell phones cannot be used during school hours or at any school event.



·      Leave items that are valuable, or special to you, at home.

·       The school will not be responsible for items that are stolen, lost or damaged.

·      Never bring large sums of money to school.

·      Do not leave your personal belongings (e.g. backpack, wallet, purse, clothes) unattended unless you have secured it in a locked locker. This includes during P.E.

·      Do not leave valuables in your locker over the weekend. Do not leave your lock on the last number of your combination.


·      Students who do not attend Holmes Junior High School are not allowed on campus during the school day.

·      To avoid any disruption of the instructional program, student age visitors are never allowed to attend classes at Holmes.

·      Visitors are not allowed at any Holmes school dances.


Attendance and success in school go hand in hand.


Attendance Information

·      By law, students must be in school unless they are ill or at a medical appointment.

·      Parents should notify the school of any absence by 9:00 a.m. on the day of the absence. Call 757-5454 ext 201 to report all absences.


Leaving Campus during School Hours

·       For your safety and by School Board authority Holmes is a closed campus.

·       Students are not allowed to leave campus without permission.

·       Before school, bring a note to the Attendance Office signed by your parent or guardian stating the time and reason for which you must leave.

·       Pick up your off-campus pass and sign-out at the Attendance Office before you leave campus.

·       If you must leave during the school day, an adult that is listed on your emergency card must pick you up.

·       If you return to school before the end of the day, you must sign in at the Attendance Office.


Make-Up Work

·       If you miss a class for any reason, it is your responsibility to contact a classmate to get any assignments and make up missed work. It is a good idea to have a pre-arranged student buddy who will gather your assignments for you whenever you are absent.     

·       When absences are for illness or other excused reasons, usually work may be made up.  

·       When absences are for suspensions and/or unexcused reasons, work may be accepted for partial credit or it may not be accepted at all.     

·       For absences of less than 4 days, contact class members for the work.

·       On the third day of an absence, your parent/guardian may call the counseling office to request that work be collected for you from your teachers. The number is 757-5450 ext 115.


Punctuality/ Cutting

·      You are expected to be on time for your classes.

·      If you are late to school, you must check in with the attendance office.

·      If you are tardy frequently, your parents will be contacted, and you will receive detention, in-house suspension, etc.

·      If you are not in your assigned class, after-school detention will be assigned.


Reporting Absences

·      If you have been absent, you must hand in a note to the attendance office (the very next day you return to school) that has been signed by your parent/guardian indicating your name, date of absence, and reason for the absence or have your parent/guardian call the attendance office with your name, date of absence, and reason for the absence. The attendance office telephone number is 757-5454 ext. 201.

·      Unexcused absences will result in disciplinary action.


              Student Attendance

·      A student who misses 3 days during a school year without a parent/medical excuse is legally truant.             

·      If you are truant, your parents will be informed by letter of your unexcused absences.


Tardy Policy: For each quarter, every staff member will implement the following tardy policy:

·   1st tardy: consequences are at the teacher’s discretion; parent contact advised.

·   2nd tardy: consequences are at the teacher’s discretion - detention encouraged; parent contact required if they were not contacted after the first tardy.

·   All subsequent tardies: office referral – one hour detention will be assigned per tardy (more severe consequences may be applied if necessary).


NOTE: Students who do not serve assigned detention with a staff member will be referred to the administration office.



Academics and Counseling

Counselors' Roles

The role of the counselor is to: help each student have a successful academic school career, help students with future educational planning, assist students with career exploration, assist students in personal or social development, be someone just to talk with about anything.


·      The counseling office is open during the day as well as before and after school.   

·      To see a counselor, leave a request slip in the counseling office before class, and you will be called as soon as possible. Parents may talk to your counselor in person or by telephone.


Concerns with a Class

·      Talk to the teacher or write a note to tell him/her about your concern.

·      Listen more, ask more questions, or spend more time on homework.

·      Talk to your counselor and ask for his/her suggestions.  

·      Talk to your parents, and ask them to talk with your teacher.

·      Request a parent, teacher, and student conference.

·      Leave a voicemail or send an email.


Course Catalog

·      This publication describes courses offered at Holmes.  

·      It is available upon request in the office.


Family Life and Sex Education

·      This course is offered to all 8th graders.

·      It covers topics related to human sexuality.

·      Students are encouraged to discuss class topics with their parents.

·      All materials are available for parent review.       

·      Parents/guardians have the right to waive Family Life and Sex Education for their children.    

Grade Check-sheets

·      Occasionally, students and parents utilize a periodic grade check-sheet. These check-sheets are usually arranged through the counseling office or vice-principals.         

·      These check-sheets help you and your parents know if you are getting your work done and if your attendance and behavior are acceptable.

·      The student takes the sheet to each teacher to be filled in and is responsible for taking home the completed sheet.

·      This planner is also a useful tool for regular monitoring of student progress with assignments.


Progress Reports

·      Progress reports are mailed home halfway through each quarter.

·      Progress reports are an informational tool for both the student and parent(s) to indicate academic progress, improvement, or danger of failure.

·      If a student’s class work is at average or above average, the teacher may not indicate a grade on the progress report card.


Report Cards

·      Grades will be mailed to your home at the end of each quarter. Quarter end dates are listed on the handbook calendar.

·      Grades range from “A” for Outstanding to “F” for Not Passing. Citizenship grades are also a part of the grading system. In some circumstances, and with prior arrangement between the teacher, student, parent, and counselor, a “P” (pass) may be given in lieu of an academic grade.



·      The district homework policy is posted on the Holmes and district web sites and is available in the counseling office.

·      Students can expect homework in most academic classes on most nights.

·      The amount varies and depends on the assignment and on student study habits.


Honor Society

·      Students who earn a 3.5 grade point average at the semester are eligible for the Honor Society.

·      Honor Society members are eligible for the Honor Society Field Trip.

·      See an administrator or counselor for additional information.


Peer Helpers

·      Selected and specially trained student peer helpers are available for students if they need someone to talk to, resolve a problem, etc.

·      Request slips are available in the counseling office for students to fill out and a peer helper will meet with you.


Promotion/Retention Policy

·      7th and 8th graders must pass required academic courses.

·      Students who fail courses will be reviewed by a Promotion Review Team.

·      If you fail an academic required course(s) (English, Math, Science, Social Studies), you will be required to make up the course content either during summer school or the following school year.

·      A student who fails 2 or more academic requirements may be retained in his/her current grade level. This decision is also based upon other measures, such as test scores.


Resources to Holmes from the District, Community, and County  

·      Davis Police Department School Resource Officer   

·      Drug and Alcohol Prevention Counselor    

·      School Nurse                

·      Speech and Language Therapist        

·      School Psychologist & Crisis Counselor

·      Allied Services for Kids (ASK) Outreach Counselor


Study Tips

Completed homework assignments contribute to academic success. Use this planner everyday to write down assignment and information you need about each class. The following are a few tips that may assist you in being successful at Holmes Junior High.

·      Keep a 3-ring binder with a section to track each class.

·      Check your homework needs before you leave school.

·      Ask questions if you don't understand the assignment.

·      Schedule a specific time and place to do homework.

·      Tell your teacher right away if you are falling behind.

·      Take class notes and review them in the evening.  

·      Put completed assignments in your backpack, ready to take to school. Keep your backpack clear of old, loose papers.

·      Turn in your homework.

·      Always carry extra pens, pencils, and an inexpensive calculator labeled with your name.


Teams for Seventh Graders

·      Each 7th grader will belong to a core team.      

·      The team will share the same English, Science and Social Studies teachers.

·      The teachers may plan some or all of your lessons so that there is a connection between the subject areas.

·       The team arrangement eases the transition from elementary school to junior high school by special class events, discussions, etc.



·       You will be given a series of standardized achievement tests each spring. These test results are used to help determine placement in classes.

·        Physical Education Fitness Assessments are given each year – fall and spring.        


Activities, Clubs, Athletics


Eligibility Requirements for Participation in Extra-Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities

·     The student must be enrolled in the number and types of courses that will enable him/her to fulfill graduation requirements.

·     The student must earn a grade average of “C” (2.0 GPA and no F’s) or above during the immediately preceding marking period. Grades will be averaged without regard to plus or minus signs.

·     Students who have not cleared their detentions will not be allowed to practice or play until their disciplinary record has been cleared.

·     Any student who is suspended from school for disciplinary reasons shall be excluded from all extra-curricular activities and all co-curricular activities, except for the regularly scheduled class time, for 1 week. The exclusion from extra- and co-curricular activities shall begin on the same day as the suspension from school.

·     The activities to which this policy applies shall include the following:

o      Student Body or Class Officer Positions

o      Athletics

o      Drama and Musical Productions

o      All extra curricular choirs and bands

o      Any extra-curricular or co-curricular activity which, on average, requires more than 4 hours of participation per week during the time span of the activity.



·     Junior high athletics are organized to develop the athletic skills of all students in an environment that enhances self-esteem and mutual respect between participants and coaches.

·     There is a “no cut” policy for 7th and 8th grade students. All students play the same portion of every game.

·     Seasons generally consist of 2-3 weeks of practice and ten league games played over approximately 5 weeks. In addition, all of the 8th grade teams participate in a league tournament at the end of their season.

·     9th graders participate in athletics at the high school.

·     Additional information is available in the back-to-school packet and on the website.

·     Listen to the daily bulletin to learn when each sport begins.


7th / 8th Sports

·      August/September    Cross Country     7/8 Boys / Girls

§       Volleyball           7/8 Girls

·      October/November Basketball           7th Boys /Girls

·      December/ January   Basketball          8th Boys/ Girls

·      February/ March      Soccer                  7/8 Boys / Girls

·      April/ May               Track                   7/8 Boys / Girls


Davis High School Sports

·      Fall Season Sports starts August 15

o      Football                           Men’s Soccer                 Men/ Women’s Water polo

o      Women’s Volleyball        Field Hockey                 Men/ Women’s Cross-Country

o      Women’s Golf                 Women’s Tennis


·      Winter season Sports starts November 15

o      Men’s Basketball        Women’s Basketball     Ski team

o      Snowboarding           Wrestling


·      Spring Season Sports starts February 1

o      Baseball                  Men’s Volleyball        Men/ Women ‘s Track

o      Men’s Golf            Softball                     Women’ Soccer          

o      Badminton              Women’s Lacrosse      Men/ Women’s Swimming

o      Men’s / Women’s Diving


·     Clubs are formed based on student or teacher interest.

·     If you have an idea for a club, find a teacher to be a sponsor.

·     Clubs meet at noon, after school, and other times.


Student Council

·     The purpose of the Student Council is to:

o      Promote a closer relationship between faculty and students.

o      Make policy and determine student body funds are allocated/spent.

o      Promote school spirit and involvement.

o      Represent the student body.

·     Student Council is comprised of Associated Student Body (ASB) officers, class presidents, and homeroom representatives.

·     Student Council members must have a minimum grade point average of 2.5, a “C+” average, and meet good citizen requirements.

·     ASB officers and class presidents serve terms for the full academic year.

·     ASB president, ASB vice president, ASB secretary, ASB treasurer, eighth grade class president, and the ninth grade class president are selected during the fourth quarter of the previous school year.

·     Seventh graders elect their class president in September of the current school year.

·     A representative is elected from each homeroom (one semester terms) in September and January.

·     Mr. Williams is the Staff Advisor for the Student Council.



·     The yearbook is designed and produced by students enrolled in the Publications class.

·     Yearbooks are pre-sold throughout the year.

·     They are delivered during the last week of the school year.

·     Students must be cleared by the library for lost or damaged books to receive their yearbooks.


Rights, Rules and Responsibilities


School should be a pleasant, well-maintained environment where students learn in a setting that is safe, caring, and cooperative. Teachers have the right to teach, and students have the right to learn. In such a setting, everyone respects all people and all property. Students are disciplined when necessary to maintain order and to protect other students, school employees, and property. It is the policy of the Davis Joint Unified School District to promote standards of good citizenship and self-discipline among all of the school community by recognizing the rights and responsibilities of self and others. All rules apply while at school, while traveling to and from school, and while attending any school activities.

All Students Are Expected To:

·     Act in all instances so as not to infringe upon the rights of others or to endanger their own or another's private property or person. (No physical violence or threat of physical violence is tolerated on campus.)

·     Be considerate in their relationships with students, teachers, and staff.

·     Keep their language, clothing, and gestures respectful and free of profanities and obscenities.

·     Follow all rules and procedures given in the Parent and Student Code of Behavior and Handbook.

·     Keep hands, feet, and objects to themselves. (This includes rough-housing and "playing around".)

·     Follow classroom procedures established by each teacher. Be in the right place at the right time.

·     Interact appropriately. (This includes no excessive displays of affection.)


The Following are not to be possessed at Holmes:

·     IPOD, Walkman and/or Discman, squirt guns or toy guns, aerosol cans, large sums of money, valuables of any kind, unsafe or disruptive wearing apparel.

·     Cell phones, pagers, or other electronic devices are strongly discouraged and cannot be used during school hours.


Students will be referred to the Administrative Team for disciplinary action for the following:

·     Habitual classroom disruption and/or failure to comply with the assigned consequence.

·     Cutting a class.

·     Repeatedly being late to class.

·     Serious misbehavior: fighting, theft, vandalism, obscenities, direct defiance, drugs, alcohol, vandalism, etc.

·     Dress code violation.

·     Leaving campus without permission.


California Education Code 48900

·     The Educational Code identifies student behaviors which are grossly inappropriate, dangerous, and/or illegal. In these matters, administrators have little or no discretion about suspension and/or expulsion. In addition, school officials may be responsible for notifying police and/or making an arrest.

·     A student may be suspended from school for up to 5 days if the principal or vice principal determines that the student while at school, or on the way to and/or from school or a school activity, has committed one of the suspendable offenses listed below: 

o    Caused, or attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to another person.

o    Possessed, sold, or otherwise furnished any firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object.

o    Unlawfully possessed, used, sold, or otherwise furnished, or been under the influence of any controlled substance, or an alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant of any kind.

o    Offered or arranged or negotiated to sell any controlled substance, or an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind, and then sold, delivered, or otherwise furnished to any person an in-lieu substance.

o    Committed or attempted to commit robbery or extortion.

o    Caused or attempted to cause damage to school property or private property.

o    Stole or attempted to steal school property or private property.

o    Possessed or used tobacco, or any products containing tobacco or nicotine, on school property.

o    Committed an obscene or vulgar act, or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity.

o    Possessed, used, or offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell any drug paraphernalia.


o    Disrupted school activities or otherwise willfully defied the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, or other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties.

o    Knowingly received stolen school property or private property.

o    Possessed an imitation firearm.

o    Committed sexual harassment which is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other unwelcome verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

o    Caused, attempted to cause, threatened to cause, or participated in an act of hate violence or intimidation which is based on an individual’s race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, gender, or sexual orientation.

o    Created a hostile educational environment by engaging in harassment, threats, or intimidation that disrupt class work, create substantial disorder, and invade the rights of other pupils.


Closed Campus

·       Holmes is a closed campus. You must remain on school grounds throughout the entire school day--including during the lunch period.


Code of Academic Honest

(Each student is required to sign and comply with the Holmes Code of Academic Honesty.)


·       All members of the Holmes community are responsible for preserving academic integrity and fostering academic honesty. Academic honesty requires that you be truthful at all times and do your own work.

·       Examples of academic dishonesty include:

o       Receiving or providing unauthorized assistance on tests using unauthorized materials during a test

o       Turning in for individual credit work produced in any part by another person; copying the work of another and presenting it as your own

o       Allowing another student to copy or present as his or her own the work that you produced

o       Plagiarizing, or presenting the ideas, concepts, words or material from another source, such as a book or website, as if such material were your own creation

o       Using the school Internet system to access inappropriate websites (pornography, etc.)


Holmes Code of Academic Honesty


I promise that all work that I turn in for personal credit in my classes will be the result of my own efforts. I will not attempt to turn in any work for personal credit that was produced in any part by another person, nor will I allow another student to use any part of my work in an attempt to receive credit.


I acknowledge the only exception to this policy will be partner or group assignments as approved in advance by the teacher.


I understand that I will not receive credit for any work that violates the Holmes Code of Academic Honesty, regardless of whether I was the giver or the receiver of the work in question.


I understand that I may experience additional consequences if I violate this code. 


Students who violate this code will not be considered for the Presidential Fitness Award or possible other awards.


Consequences are defined by school rules, District Policy and the California Education Code and will vary depending on the circumstances.

·     Campus beautification (litter duty)

·     Conference with student, parent, teacher, counselor, and/or administrator

·     Detention

·     Other logical consequences (e.g. community service)

·     On-campus suspension

·     Off-campus suspension

·     Expulsion



·     Dress for all dances must follow the school dress code.

·     To enter a school dance, you must present a current student identification card.

·     Five dances are held during the school year.

·     The dances begin at 7:30 p.m. and end at 10:00 p.m.

·     Your parent/guardian needs to pick you up promptly at 10:00 p.m.

·     There is music and dancing in the gym.

·     The MPR is open for ping-pong and games. Refreshments are sold in the MPR.

·     You must arrive before 8:30 p.m. and stay until the dance is over unless you are picked up by a parent/guardian.

·     If, for some reason you must leave before the dance is over, you must be picked up by a parent/guardian.

·     There are no “formal” events at Holmes Junior High School.

·     These dances are for Holmes students only, and all school rules apply.

·     Student visitors are never allowed at a Holmes sponsored school dance.

·     Parents are welcome to visit dances and/or help chaperone.

·     You are not to be on the school campus unless you are attending the dance.

·     If you have un-served detention, you will not be allowed to attend the dance (a notice will be sent to these students the week of the dance)

·     The behavior at the dances should always be appropriate. Running, pushing and horseplay, as well as all types of inappropriate dancing (“moshing” and “freaking”, etc.) will all result in a time-out or a call to parents to be sent home from the dance. Students may also be excluded from future dances for bad behavior.

·     If you plan on attending the dance, you must have attended school that same day.


If you have been suspended from school and your school activity participation restriction is in place during a scheduled dance, you may not attend the dance.



·    Detention can be assigned by staff members for classroom tardies, cutting class, or classroom or campus misbehavior that is disruptive, etc.

·    Students must notify their parents of the detention.

·    Students are expected to work quietly on schoolwork while in detention.

·    Students serve their detention with the person who assigned the detention.

·    Students must serve detentions on their assigned day.

·    If you do not serve your assigned detention, you may be referred to the vice principal.

·    A staff member supervises detention which is held outside of the regular school day.

·    Students who fail to serve their detention in a timely fashion may be detained by their seventh period teacher, or removed from their last class, and escorted to the detention room.

·    Students who fail to serve detention will not be allowed to attend dances, games, or participate in extra-curricular activities, and may be subject to more severe disciplinary action.

·    Students who fail to serve their detention voluntarily, and who have to be escorted to the detention room by a staff member, may not arrive at home at their usual time. Parents are welcome to call 757-5455 to check whether or not a particular student had to be detained.




We at Holmes Junior High School expect that everyone will treat one another with respect and dignity. Although bullying and harassing may be common among junior high school aged students, it is not allowed at HJH. The following information will help you understand what harassment is and what to do if you witness and/or experience harassment while at school.


·     Physical: often called “just playing around”. Includes any type of intimidation or aggravation in games or actions such as pushing, dog-piling, throwing things, and similar activities. Report this type of activity to a staff member or the office immediately.


·     Verbal: includes remarks that are offensive, threatening, annoying, embarrassing, or which are used to perpetrate rumors, hearsay, etc. It also includes racial and other slurs. Report this type of harassment to your counselor, teacher, or other staff member.


·     Sexual: includes any behavior, either physical or verbal (this includes comments or jokes) that is sexual in nature and which degrades, humiliates or embarrasses another person. Is also includes behavior that may have in the past been acceptable or laughed about. Recent laws make harassment a suspendable and/or expellable offense.


The Davis Joint Unified School District Board Policy states that “unlawful harassment because of sex, race, ancestry, physical or mental disability, age or any other protected basis includes, but is not limited to:


·     Verbal conduct such as derogatory comments, slurs, or unwanted sexual advances, invitations or comments, epithets;


·     Visual conduct such as derogatory posters, photography, cartoons, drawings or gestures;


·     Physical conduct such as assault, unwanted touching, blocking normal movement or interfering with academic performance or progress directed at a student because of sex or race or any other protected basis;


·     Threats and demands to submit to sexual requests in order to receive a good grade or other benefit or avoid some other loss, and offers of good grades or other benefit in return for sexual favors or personal or emotional safety; and/or


·     Retaliation for having reported or threatened to report harassment.”


“Sexual harassment is defined in the Education Code as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature, made by someone from or in the work or educational setting, under any of the following conditions:


·     Submission to the conduct is explicitly or implicitly made a term or a condition of an individual’s academic status, or progress;


·     Submission to, or rejection of, the conduct by the individual is used as the basis of academic decisions affecting the individual;


·     The conduct has the purpose or effect of having a negative impact upon the individual’s academic performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment.


·     Submission to, or rejection of, the conduct by the individual is used as the basis for any decision affecting the individual regarding benefits and services, honors, programs, or activities available at or through the educational institution.”


Lunchtime / Campus Behavior Expectations

Following is a list of rules that apply to lunchtime and all other times when students are not in class. All rules outlined in the Student Handbook apply as well.


The NEVER Bring-to-School List: The following items are illegal to possess on any school campus:

·     Firearms, knives of any kind (including pocket knives), or anything that could be used as a weapon. (Zero tolerance for these items at school and/or school sponsored events.) (ED Code 48900 b)

·     Alcohol, tobacco, or drugs of any kind (prescription medicine, as well as over-the -counter medication, must be stored in the Nurse’s Office). (ED Code 48900 c, h, j)

·     Matches, lighters, firecrackers, or other explosives.

·     Other disruptive, illegal, or dangerous objects.

·     Aerosol cans large sums of money, valuables of any kind unsafe or disruptive wearing


Noon Supervisors

·     There will be several noon supervisors on campus to assist you and keep our campus safe.

·     Treat them with the same respect you would a teacher. Follow their instructions.

·     They will remind you to keep Holmes clean and trash-free, and they may require you to pick up litter.

If you have any questions or problems, talk with a teacher or noon supervisor immediately.

Off Limit Areas:

·     Behind buildings that are along property lines.

·     Along property lines at edge of playing fields.

·     Staff parking lot, including the slope by the playing fields.

·     Behind backstop(s).

·     Grassy areas in front of school.

·     Grass fields – unless you are playing an organized game.

·     Gym (except on designated rainy or special activity days).



·     Suspension is a consequence for more serious misbehavior. Students are excluded from school for a period of 1-5 days. Parents are notified as soon as possible by telephone. Notification is sent to the parent. The student may not be on or near any school grounds (within 600 feet in any direction) while he/she is suspended from school. The student may not participate in extra-curricular activities for a period of 1 week. Absence from school due to suspension is unexcused, and class work is made up at the discretion of each teacher.

·     A teacher may suspend any student from his or her class for the day of, and the day following, any of acts enumerated above.

·     The principal or vice principal may recommend a pupil's expulsion for any of the acts enumerated above. Expulsion requires action by the school board.

·     A student who is expelled from the DJUSD must attend school in another district (typically in another city) usually for the rest of the semester during which the student is expelled plus the next semester.

·     Recent legislation (Education Code 48915) requires that the principal or superintendent shall immediately suspend and shall recommend expulsion for the following three offenses:

1.     Possessing, selling, or otherwise furnishing a firearm.

2.     Brandishing a knife at another person.

3.     Unlawfully selling a controlled substance.

·     In addition, the following four offenses will result in expulsion unless the principal or superintendent finds that expulsion is inappropriate, due to the particular circumstance:

1.     Causing serious physical injury to another person, except in self-defense.

2.     Possession of any knife, explosive, or other dangerous object of no reasonable use to the pupil.

3.     Unlawful possession of any controlled substance.

4.     Robbery or extortion.


Safety and Transportation

Emergency Procedures


·     Duck down under a desk or a table.

·     Cover your head with your arm.

·     Hold onto the table/desk leg

·     Remain calm.

·     Your homeroom teacher will review procedures with you.


Fire and Emergency Evacuation

·     Evacuation maps are posted near the door of each room.

·     When you hear the fire alarm, look to your teacher for direction. 

·     Quietly and quickly evacuate the area and move to the designated area

·     The last person to leave should close the door.

·     Stay with your teacher and remain quiet.

·     Do not return to class until after the all-clear bell has been rung.


Lunchtime Incident

·      Contact a staff member immediately and explain the situation.

·      Stay clear of the area – driveway and pathway to incident.

·      Do not distract staff by asking questions – information till be distributed as it becomes available.


Shelter in Place

·     The universal danger signal is a series of two long bells.

·     If you hear this signal your teacher will provide emergency instruction.

·     Do not leave your classroom.

·     Help your teacher barricade the door if necessary and if possible

·     Move away from the windows and down onto the floor

·     Seek shelter behind whatever is available

·   Remain calm, quiet, and patient

·   If you are in PE, your teacher will lead you into one of the locker room


Teacher Down

·      One student runs to next room for help.

·      One student run to the office and report it.



·      Report any accident immediately to your teacher. If you are not in class, tell the nearest teacher or staff member.

·      First aid will be given as needed. If medical attention is needed, parents will be notified so they can make arrangements for medical treatment.

·      Be sure to let someone in the Attendance Office know if your emergency information (e.g.; home phone number, parent work phone numbers, emergency contact people, etc.) changes during the school year.



·      Because safety of our students is important, traffic safety laws are enforced. You are expected to follow all laws while riding to and from school.

·      Park your bikes in the student bike rack. Lock your bike with your own lock, every single day!!   

·      If your bike is vandalized or stolen, report this to the attendance office and to the Davis Police Department.  

·      Ride bikes only on designated paths or city streets.  

·      Remember, it is against the law to ride without a properly secured helmet.

·      The bike racks are monitored regularly, however, the school is not responsible for damaged or stolen bicycles, so to protect your bike be sure you have followed all the above rules.


Child Abuse – Safety of our students is most important.        

·      Child abuse can be physical, emotional or sexual.

·      Every student has a right to live in a safe environment without fear.

·      Tell a teacher, your counselor, or an administrator if you, or someone you know, are being abused.

·      You or your friend will get the help and support you need


Communication between Parents and School

·      The Holmes staff is interested in effective communication for problem solving. Parents and guardians who have any kind of problem or concern related to their children and school should discuss it first with the children’s teachers. If necessary, please talk next with the principal. Should the issue remain unresolved, there is a district complaint form available in the school office which can be used to enlist the aid of district administration in reconciling the issue.

·      The PTA listserv regularly informs parents and guardians of events and issues at school by email. The daily bulletin is also available through listserv. The Holmes PTA website (www.dcn.davis.ca.us/go/hjh/) and the Holmes School website (www.djusd.k12.ca.us/Holmes) post the handbook and other important information about Holmes Junior High.

Illness and Injury               

·      If you become ill or injured at school, tell your teacher. A pass from your classroom teacher is required before you will be admitted to the health office. Exceptions will be made for emergency situations.

·      If you are too ill to remain in class, your parents will be called to take you home.

·      In emergency situations, the district nurse will be called for assistance and/or 911.



·      Insurance is not provided by the school.

·      A form for purchasing insurance will be included in a pre-school mailing.

·      Insurance is required for students competing in school-sponsored athletics.



·      Parents/guardians must check with the attendance office to arrange for the dispensing of prescription medicine.

·      Parents must complete a medicine dispensation informational sheet prior to their child taking medicine in the school office.

·      Prescribed medication must have specific instructions for use from a physician.   

·      Students must take all medications (including over-the-counter drugs like aspirin or Tylenol) in the attendance office.          

·      Non-prescription drugs (e.g. aspirin), are not available at school.

·      The law doe not allow school employee to give over the counter drug to students.



·       A district nurse and/or 911 are called in emergency situations.   

·       There are no facilities at school to serve sick or injured students for an extended period of time. Parents will be called immediately when students are too ill to remain in class.          

·       In the case of injury or emergency, the school will call Emergency Medical Personnel.   

The school will attempt to notify parents whenever Emergency Personnel are called.


Skateboards and/or Skates           

·      Because safety of students is important, skateboards, roller skates, and roller blades cannot be ridden on campus. If you use one of these for transportation to/or from school, you must make sure that it is secured in your locker. These items may not be carried around from class to class, and they will be confiscated if found on campus.

·      If you store your skateboard in a classroom (with teacher permission), you will be storing it at “your own risk.” Your skateboard needs to be put away by the end of 2nd period.

·      There is no skateboarding allowed in front of the school (sidewalk or roadway).

·      Skateboards need to be carried in the bicycle rack area.


Transporting Students to School – Because safety is important…

·      Encourage your student to bike or walk to school whenever possible. If you must drive them, please unload and load away from the front of the school.

·      Please follow all traffic laws, including: Do not make U-turns, park in the red zones or double park on Drexel.

·      Please use extreme caution in the intersection of L and Drexel.

·      Do not block driveways in the neighborhood when parking.





PRINCIPAL                                                Bev Maul

PRINCIPAL’S SECRETARY                   Jan Chandler


VICE- PRINCIPAL                                    Derek Brothers



7th GRADE COUNSELOR                       Ashley Nelson

8th and 9th GRADE COUNSELOR           Judy Buchholtz

COUNSELING SECRETARY                 Judy Staffford


ATTENDANCE SECRETARY                Carol Lopez


LIBRARIANS                                           Wendy Chason

                                                                    Jan DeGiere

                                                                    Leigh Hyde


HEAD CUSTODIAN                                Doug Knutz

    PSYCHOLOGIST                                      Tim Paulson




Whom Do I See?

If I have a question about:

I see:

Attendance Matter

Attendance Secretary: Ms. Lopez

Change of Program

Grade Level Counselor

Counseling Appointments

Counseling Office: Ms. Stafford

Extended Absence / Vacation

Counseling Office: Ms. Stafford


Teacher, Counselor

Gym Lockers

P.E. Office


Counselor, Vice Principal, Any Staff Member

Homework Requests

Counseling Office: Ms. Stafford

Illness at School

Attendance Secretary: Ms. Lopez

Library Books

Librarian: Mrs. Chason

Locker Assignments

Counseling Office: Ms Stafford

Locker Repair

Counseling Office: Ms Stafford

Personal Problems

Counselor, Vice Principal


Counseling Office

School Policies

Administrator, Counselor, Any Staff Member


Library Clerk: Ms. DeGiere

Tutoring Help

Your Counselor

Unpaid Fines or Fees


Library Clerk: Ms. DeGiere

Withdrawal from School

Counseling Office: Ms Stafford

Work Permits

Counseling Office: Ms Stafford











O.W. Holmes Junior High School
Planner Review Confirmation

I,______________________________ have reviewed the Holmes handbook with my parent or guardian. I understand the rules about:


_____   General Information

_____   Attendance

_____   Academics and Counseling

_____   Activities, clubs and sports

_____   Rights, rules and responsibilities

_____   Safety and Transportation


I understand that if I have questions, I can go to an adult on campus.




____________________________         ______________________________

Student Signature                                     Parent/Guardian Signature





Please return to your 3rd period teacher the first week of school.


Teacher Contact List


Class / Per.

Contact info





































Study Buddies


Class / Per.

Contact Info




























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