Davis  Education   Foundation  (DEF)

Post Office Box 1801 - Davis, California 95617

Established 1991


Completed Projects of the Davis Education Foundation

The Davis Education Foundation embarked on its first project, placing CD Rom equipped computers in each K-12 school library in October 1993.

At this time the DEF membership decided that the organization could develop more wide spread community exposure by conducting a fund raising campaign and would thus establish more pervasive Davis community awareness of the DEF mission and goals.

While considering fund raising options available to the DEF, two community members presented the idea of building a pedal powered carousel in Central Park in Davis. Constructing the carousel would involve Davis children working with a fifth generation carousel maker, William Dentzel.  The carousel would then become an ongoing source of revenue for Davis K-12 schools.  The Flying Carousel of the Delta Breeze is completed and running and met the DEF objectives of providing a community project associated with DEF and is helping to raise funds for K-12 schools in Davis.

Shortly after the Flying Carousel of the Delta Breeze was completed in Central Park, the Davis Education Foundation finished installing CD Rom equipped personal computers in all the K-12 school libraries in the Davis Joint Unified School District.

(For more information on how you can participate in Davis Education Foundation activities please contact John Russell Batchelder at jrbatch@jps.net or Cynthia Ann Walker at cw@jps.net . Thank you for your interest in improving educational opportunities for K-12 students in Davis.)