Heat Stress -- Hot summers in Davis and other hot places

Any pet can suffer heat stress, dogs, cats, birds, horses, rabbits, etc. but some animals are more prone or susceptible: [menu]

Help Prevent Heat Stress


Signs of Heat Stress

Signs of heat stress include profuse panting, salivation, staring and unresponsive, anxious expression, warm dry skin, high fever, high heart rate, muscle weakness, unable to move, collapse. Heat stress can be fatal! Decrease your pets body temperature with cool (not cold) water sprayed on their body (if you want to use a bathtub, please do not drown your pet by leaving the water running and leave your pet in the tub), ice packs applied to the head, neck and least haired part of the abdomen may help. Call your veterinarian and get your pet help!!
Dr. Sue [menu]

Bites and Stings

Pets can be curious, especially if it makes noise and flies. Bites and stings from most flying insects can cause swelling or soreness. Call your veterinarian for advice because some can cause allergic reactions which need to be treated. All spider bites are toxic but most will only cause local swelling and tissue reaction. The black widow can be deadly to any pet less than 50 pounds and make larger pets very sick (some larger ones die too). If you suspect a black widow bite , get help immediately. Fleas and Ticks next time...
Dr. Sue [menu]


When planning to take a vacation don't forget your animal companions. Plan for them too. You may choose to leave them behind or take them with you. Where you are going, the activities you plan , the length of stay, how you are traveling and your pet's personality must all be considered.

Leaving Your Pet Behind


Using a Pet Sitter


Taking your pet along


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