This is another key issues facing the County: Public Electricity and SMUD
Yolo County is in the process of completing an evaluation of the merits of including Yolo County into Sacramento Municipal Utility District’s (SMUD) service area. SMUD currently provides electricity to Sacramento County and parts of Placer County. I support completing the study because:
SMUD is the sixth largest municipal power producer in the country and a well managed public entity.
SMUD has historically provided low rates to its customers and a high level of reliability. This high quality service has also provided significant cost savings to businesses, schools, and government entities.
SMUD avoided the large cost increases that customers of Pacific Gas Electric and other investor owned utilities incurred during the energy crisis. SMUD rates are now significantly lower than PGE.
SMUD has a strong record of developing and using renewable energy sources and promoting energy conservation.
SMUD is a local public entity. SMUD is controlled by an elected board of directors that is directly accountable to its customers. If annexed by SMUD, Yolo County would likely end up with at least one seat on the SMUD Board.
If the study ultimately shows that annexation of Yolo County into the SMUD’s service area is feasible and that it would provide benefits to Yolo County electricity customers, I would support Yolo County joining SMUD.
Furthermore, I would work to gain public support and all necessary approvals, including those by the Board of Supervisors, SMUD Board, Cities of Davis, Woodland, and West Sacramento, UC Davis, Local Agency Formation Commission, and Yolo County voters.
Please contact me (758-9774 or if you are interested in helping out on the campaign visit my VOLUNTEER page. I appreciate your help.