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Ranks in Boy Scout

"The Scouting program provides many opportunities for you to learn skills and take part in terrific adventures. It also recognizes your achievements by awarding badges of rank. The first three are Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class. Next come Star and Life. The highest rank is that of Eagle Scout.

Each rank is more challenging than the one before it. Each prepares you to be a better camper, hiker, and Scout. As you complete the requirements for a rank on patrol and troop outings, you will find that you can use your new knowledge immediately. You will also have the background you need for achieving even more as you set out towards the next rank.

Active Scout participation and advancement go together. So, if you want to advance, first and foremost, take part in all the activities of your patrol and troop.

When you do, you will pick up most of the Scoutcraft skills you need for your advancement. Work with the other Scouts of your troop on srevice projects. Help other Scouts. As you do, your leadership abilities will develop. Your troop guide will help you learn the skills you need to advance from Tenderfoot to First Class.

Then when you have completed the tests for the award you are aiming for, tell your Scoutmaster. He will sit down with you for a Scoutmaster conference. After this, he will arrange for a board of review. When this review is over, your Scoutmaster will order the badge you have earned. It will be presented to you at a ceremony." Reprinted from The Boy Scout Handbook, Boy Scouts of America (pg. 12)

Below you will find the requirements for each of the rank:

 Scout  Tenderfoot  Second Class  First Class  Star  Life  Eagle

Troop 66 Home Page This page was last updated on 7/13/00
Copyrighted © 1997 -- Troop 66, Golden Empire Council, Boy Scouts of America