LOCATION: 445 C Street, Davis, CA 95616-4102 (northeast corner of Central Park)
CONTACT: 530-758-5637, email: hattieweber@yahoo.com
HOURS: Saturday, 10 AM - 4 PM, Admission free, donations welcome.
The Hattie Weber Museum features exhibits depicting the history and heritage of Davis, California, and the surrounding area.
Thanks to John Chiles, John Movius, Steve McMahon, Yolo County Historical Society, and the Davis Virtual Market for early assistance.
   Our volunteer, Lulu Zhang has completed an exhibit, “Misconceptions About Chinese and Chinese-Americans from 1850 to the Present.” She presents several common American myths about the Chinese, especially those in California, with her corrections.
The Hattie Weber has an exhibit in the Yolo County Fair Museum, "UCD's Beginnings: The University Farm." The Farm, an extension of Berkley's Department of Agriculture, was awarded to Davisville (today's Davis) in 1906. The exhibit presents images and objects from the early period of the Farm's history, 1907-'21. It will be open throughout the fair and on announced occasions during the coming year.
Operated by the Yolo County Historical Society for the City of Davis