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files_and_documents [2015/08/05 17:23]
help [Files and Documents]
files_and_documents [2018/03/05 13:24] (current)
help [Files and Documents]
Line 5: Line 5:
 +  * {{:​att_3_davis_report_021918_final_draft.pdf|Davis,​ CA Broadband Feasibility Study}} (03/​05/​2018)
   * {{:​pip_killerappsingigabitage_100914.pdf|Pew Internet Project paper on Gigabit uses}}   * {{:​pip_killerappsingigabitage_100914.pdf|Pew Internet Project paper on Gigabit uses}}
   * {{:​fiberrfei.pdf|Municipal Fiber in Davis}}   * {{:​fiberrfei.pdf|Municipal Fiber in Davis}}
Line 15: Line 16:
   * {{:​val-nexgen_design_7.9_v2.pdf|Next Generation Network Handbook}}   * {{:​val-nexgen_design_7.9_v2.pdf|Next Generation Network Handbook}}
   * {{:​11pon.pdf|NGPON "WDM PON" Cost Analysis & Deployment Study}}   * {{:​11pon.pdf|NGPON "WDM PON" Cost Analysis & Deployment Study}}
 +  * {{:​nv_data.pdf|Network Virtualization in the Enterprise Data Center}}
 +  * {{:​bla.munigigabitfiberfinance031516.pdf|San Francisco Muni Fiber Financial Analysis}}
 +  * {{:​baller-stelfox_clic_legal_webinar_3-24-16.pptx|Legal Considerations for Broadband Public Private Partnerships}}
 +  * {{:​building-the-gigabit-city-volume-2.pdf|Building the Gigabit City 2nd edition}}
 +  * {{:​santa_cruz_fiber_summary_5-12-2016.pdf|Santa Cruz Fiber Summary}} (5/12/2016)
 +  * {{:​entrypoint_ammon.pdf|Ammon,​ ID Municipal Fiber Utility Model}} (01/​30/​2017)
 +  * {{:​2017-virginia-fact-sheet.pdf|Municipal Fiber Networks in Virginia }} (01/​30/​2017)
 +  * {{:​leverettnet-presentation_17-04-20.pdf|Muncipal Fiber Model for Leverett MA}} (05/​18/​2017)
 ====== Meeting Minutes ====== ====== Meeting Minutes ======
Line 22: Line 31:
   * {{:​04.08.15.minutes.pdf|04.08.2015 Meeting:}}   * {{:​04.08.15.minutes.pdf|04.08.2015 Meeting:}}
   * {{:​xxx|05.06.2015 Meeting:}}   * {{:​xxx|05.06.2015 Meeting:}}
 +  * {{:​08.05.15.minutes.pdf|08.05.2015 Meeting:}}
files_and_documents.1438820591.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/08/05 17:23 by help