The Davis City Council is currently comprised of: * Mayor [[|Dan Wolk]] until at least 2016 * Mayor Pro-tem [[|Robb Davis]] until at least 2018 * Council member [[|Lucas Frerichs]] until at least 2016 * Council member [[|Brett Lee]] until at least 2016 * Council member [[|Rochelle Swanson]] until at least 2018 On Tuesday, March 3, 2015, the City Council [[|heard a report]] about the [[|Yolo Broadband Strategic Plan]] (YBSP). They then unanimously adopted a motion to direct staff to pursue the recommendations of the report. These are: * pursue "a solution" to the expiration (later this decade) of the Comcast-provided fiber optic intra-net for City and schools; * adopt a General Plan Amendment as policy framework to facilitate gigabit fiber deployment and incorporate it into the development process; and * coordinate with other government entities. The cable franchise contract expires in 2018, and the Council directed staff to return no later than September, 2016, with a report. That lead to the City Innovation Officer and his Deputy meeting (on 3/25/15) with DavisGig proponents to discuss our thoughts and how we might work with City staff. They are next planning a series of events (referred to as a "listening tour") to hear from interested parties about what might make it possible to implement the recommendations in the YBSP.