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====== Files and Documents ====== This page will have a collection of links to .pdfs, word docs, and other documents pertaining to the project. * {{:pip_killerappsingigabitage_100914.pdf|Pew Internet Project paper on Gigabit uses}} * {{:fiberrfei.pdf|Municipal Fiber in Davis}} * {{:ybsp-_community_profiles-_davis.pdf|Davis Broadband Profile from Yolo County LAFCO Broadband Strategic Plan}} * {{:yolo_lafco_broadband_strategic_plan_draft_12-03-2014-compressed.pdf|Yolo County Broadband Strategic Plan Draft}} * {{:cartoon Davis Tech behind the Times.pdf|Davis Broadband Cartoon}} * {{:enterprise_letter_06102015.pdf|Guest Opinion in Davis Enterprise}} ====== Meeting Minutes ====== * {{:01.24.15.minutes.pdf|01.24.2015 Meeting:}} * {{:03.04.15.minutes.pdf|03.04.2015 Meeting:}} * {{:04.08.15.minutes.pdf|04.08.2015 Meeting:}}

files_and_documents.1434133326.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/06/12 11:22 by help