Galloglas Forge Batleth Project

The forging of a pattern welded batleth (betleH) is no small task. At 46 inches long, this current project is estimated to require 3 months of work. You will note the additional hand hold located below the center of the blade, this was added along with the upright grips to improve the kata permissible with this batleth.

After some more work with the virtual prototype I've made a few changes:

Light blue represents the edge, and the dark blue represent a grip ridge.

Unsmoothed prototype...

(10/2/98) The prototype is nice, works well, but this project is on hold indefinately. One day I'll get this done, but for now only the prototype and plans exist. The final version will be made of pattern welded steel based on the knowledge in Master Atar's books, though I never expect to reach his level of craftsmanship. I am looking forward to working on this project, but finishing the chainmail was enough of a long term project for now.

(5/2/99) The process is moving forward. There have been "slight delays", but then that is how these things go. Hammer technique continues to improve, but access to a forge is still a very limiting factor. The test pieces used to develop process have proved that the conservation of material allows for forging from a single billet. Pattern welded playdoh works well for this during those idle moments of goofing off.

(2/5/2001) I've gone back and made major improvements to the autocad model of the Batleth. It's really looking good now. I'll have to do some renderings of it. I should be able to make a surface, replicate it, and offset the replications and then interfere them with the model to produce a rendering of what the pattern welded version would look like.

(2/27/2001) Pictures. Note the removal of the bottom grip. I'm thinking of drilling out the handle rather than working a raised one, or welding one on, for that section. (click thumbs for larger images)

The autocad file

a rendered image, I've since done one with that looks like pattern welded steel.

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