Sander Rubin

Curriculum Vitae


Massachussets Instutute of Technology '50 SBEE. Electrical engineering.
London School of Economics and Political Science '54 Graduate studies (economics).
Syracuse University '61 MSEE.
University of California Berkeley - Boalt Hall '79 JD.

Selected Writings

These are mainly variations on the theme of indiviual v. group.

An Inquiry into Responsibility (1991)
Examines and contrasts the approach to responsibility of Josef Göbbels and Col. Klaus von Stauffenburg. Major lessons from dire times.

Social Choice and Chance in an Open Society (1995)
A preliminary engineered scheme for coping with the paradoxes of social choice through voting as identified by Condorcet and Kenneth Arrow.

Responsibility and Accountability in Mensa (1996)
A parochial examination of dispute resolution in a "club" proposing a typology for various disuptes and differential treatments.

On Rhetorical Integrity (1970, 1995)
What is needed in the realm of rhetoric between leaders and clients in a group.

The Shape of the Curve (1999)
This is the antecedent paper to "Greenspan's Error". The link takes the reader to the last section of the paper which provides further background on my roots in economic and social studies.

Created: 22 Sep 01