The 1999 Mensa International Election

A Case Study

The Theme:

   Those who study this site may have noted an underlying theme of striving for improved politics in Mensa. See, for example, American Mensa NomCom, A Perverse Trajectory or Choice and Chance in an Open Society. Those essays seem to be abstract, theoretical, and speculative. Theory unconnected with reality usually leads to ideological argument and declarations of personal opinion. The remedy for excessive theory is to examine reality. The case-study method of learning responds to that need. The following series of pages constitutes such a study within the Mensa context. They provide evidence of a need for reform.

The Source:

   The material presented below was taken from Dick Amyx' site and edited slightly to accommodate the wishes of a peripheral participant without changing any of the significant subsance or flavor of the original which was compiled contemporaneously with the events recorded.

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Posted: 01 Nov 2002
Sander Rubin