Statement Supporting Ian Hadley for IBD Chairman

Ian, a Scot, lived with his family in Dublin where I live for some years and during that time he was a regular and popular attendee at meetings, a LocSec and member of Irish Mensa Committee. He was at every IM AG from 1990 to present day and has booked for this year's. He was a company director employing several people in the computer games/graphics industry. He moved to Paris to work for Grolier and relocated their head office to Oxford. He now lives in Oxford with his family and attends BM AG and other meetings. Previously he has lived in Glasgow, Chicago and Australia, and has been a member of several national Mensas. 

Ian took time out from his business life to work as manager of Mensa House on a temporary basis at a much reduced salary. This has helped greatly already in that he supervised the installation of the new computer system and is expert in company procedures and publishing. He's turned the admin around--I received a yearbook three days after requesting it which considering it had to cross the Irish Sea must be a record. 

Until recently Mensa members were not allowed to become employees and people who, in the past, were magazine editors etc. were unpaid. A member seeking to be a paid employee would have had to give up membership. At that point Ian would not have been considered for the post and British Mensa would have been the poorer. However my perception of the matter is that a disaffection with salaried positions going to outsiders grew in recent years, Manager and Editor being the two top posts and thus best paid. Whereas some Mensans were working in similar posts or out of work, capable and thought they could perhaps do a better job, with a better understanding of the society. Thus the rules here have been changed. 

When Ian leaves his post it is quite likely that the new manager will also be a member as may the new editor. I am not informed about the decision-making but considering the posts were advertised in the magazine as well as in daily papers etc. the chances are that applications from members were received. 

Ian has never stood for election before and you would have to ask him as to his motivations. However I would support him wholeheartedly. I believe that his friendliness, experience both inside and outside Mensa and his contacts the world over can only help our society. 

--Clare O'Beara

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