Quail Ridge Wilderness Conservancy needs your assistance in reaching our goals. There are many ways to help...
- Become a member of the Conservancy
- Purchase items for the Conservancy's Gift Boutique
- Host a dinner or dessert party with 10-20 neighbors and friends to hear a presentation about Quail Ridge Reserve.
- Make a tax-deductible donation to the Conservancy for its land acquisition projects
- Volunteer to help in activities or fundraisers
- Nominate someone (including yourself) for membership on the Conservancy's Board of Directors
- Donate land and/or conservation easements to the Conservancy by become a conservation buyer
- Registering and use your credit card through ESCRIP
- [ Instructions ] [ List of ESCRIP e-commerce Merchants ]
- [ List of ESCRIP "brick and mortar" Merchants ] [ ESCRIP Website ]
- Donating your unwanted or non-operational car, truck, rv, or boat
[ Instructions ]
Join our effort and become a member of the Conservancy. Your membership
and donations will help fund future purchases, pay off balances on existing
parcels, and help with operational expenses.
You can can become a member at the following membership levels:
Individual | $35 |
Student/Retired | $25 |
Family | $50 |
Sustaining | $75 |
Benefactor | $100 |
Silver Sponsor | $500 |
Gold Circle Club | $1000 |
Platinum Benefactor | $2500 |
Call us at 530/758-1387; or Cel. 530/219-4477 Fax
us at 530/758-1316; or e-mail us at frankmaurer41@gmail.com
With the following Info:
Phone/Internet Address
Would you like more information or would you like to become a member?
How did you hear about us?
About QRWC Activities
QRWC News You
Can Help! Gift
Teacher Workshop
Businesses QRWC Video/DVD
e-mail: frankmaurer41@gmail.com
with subject line Attention Frank QRWC