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QUAIL RIDGE MONITOR Vol. 23: November 2013 - 2014
Greetings once again!
As I reflect on the passing years, I am impressed by the fact that we have stuck together and accomplished so much since QRWC was formed back in 1989. I have noted, too, that responsible people often ask concerning any given issue that they see of importance, "What can I do to truly make a difference?"
Here is what you, our supporters, and the officers of QRWC have been doing during 2013 to justify your memberships and donations...
- We continue our outreach to the public through our monthly interpretive walks and special walks on Quail Ridge Reserve, through work on joint fundraisers with other non-profits through working with people with special needles, and through specials events for schools, such as a recent one for Heritage Peak Charter School in Vacaville. The latter focused on 8 to 11 year old children and their parents. The kids were very curious and asked good questions, and everyone had a good time.
- Many people report that they are using the three live webcams--accessible through our website--to view wildlife in real time on QRR.
--Click Here for accessible web cameras to view the Reserve and its wildlife
Others say they have viewed our film "The Human and Natural History of Quail Ridge Reserve" that is available on DVD and is also available on YouTube. This film, which has striking photography, takes the viewer through the four seasons on the Reserve, with a narrated history. If you haven't yet looked at it, do give it a try.
- Quail Ridge Reserve Natural and Human History During Summer part 1
- Quail Ridge Reserve Natural and Human History During Fall part 2
- Quail Ridge Reserve Natural and Human History During Winter part 3
- Quail Ridge Reserve Natural and Human History During Spring part 4
- Using the webcams and the YouTube films just mentioned, QRWC still offers virtual field trips, especially for schools with limited funding available for actual trips. Please consider sponsoring a virtual trip for a local school in your area. (Call 530-219-4477 for more details on setting this up). We can also approach a school for you to sponsor.
- Several QRWC Board members networked with people from the Blue Ridge/Berryessa Natural Area (BRBNA) during the latter's October event on the Bobcat Ranch (near Winters), purchased about 6 years ago by Audubon California. Excellent speakers, experts in their fields, address issues around restoration of native flora and how best to manage cattle and wildlife on rangelands to maximize benefits to both the animals and the vegetation.
- QRWC is spearheading the creation of a new pocket guide for the California Northern Inner Coast Range
which will feature animal, bird, and plant species typical of this area. We have been working on this project
with Waterford Press, which has already produced a number of these attractive, fold—out, waterproof guides
for other regions. This will be the first Waterford guide for the Inner Coast Range. We are also working with
several other local/ regional wildlife groups to help distribute the production costs. The guide, when ready,
will make a very handsome gift.
- We are continuing our $24,000 matching fund drive initiated several years ago by a generous
conservation buyer. David Welborn, who has been of immeasurable assistance in acquiring a number off key
properties on the Reserve. If you would like to match funds and double your conservation dollars, please
consider this option along with your membership renewal.
- QRWC is still affiliated with Charitable Auto that will accept nearly any kind of vehicle or boat as a donation,
most of whose proceeds will go to us as a nonprofit if you designate us as the recipient. This is a great way to
get rid of an old car, truck, or van with minimal pain: Charitable Auto takes care of everything including picking
up the vehicle, and you get a tax write-off. If this opportunity interests you, call Charitable Auto directly at:
- Several supporters are donating aluminum cans and bottles to QRWC for recycling. This helps us out and of
course serves the environment at the same time.
- Don't forget the QRWC Gift Boutique as you shop for Holiday [or other] gifts. A number of people have
found items of interest when they're looking for an unusual gift for a friend or relative. Check it out [Click Here for Access to QRWC’s Gift Boutique]. A new item in the Boutique this year is the collection of Faux Sea Glass
pendants made by Frank. These are recycled glass fragments tumbled for a month, then wrapped by hand
with thin wire, creating an unusual and beautiful piece of jewelry that will evoke admiring comments.
- Frank has continued this past summer to donate hand-carved stones to U.S. states, adding Kentucky, Ohio,
Virginia, and West Virginia to his list of now 28 states that have received these special stones whose carvings
depict each state's official symbols. As he presents his stones he always talks about the work of our
Conservancy and leaves QRWC materials for potential travelers to our area. Note that custom—carved stones
are also available through the Gift Boutique. He has created thousands of stones over the past 25 years.
Two reminders:
[1) if you have Nugget and/or SaveMart scrip cards, please use them. This is a completely painless way to
help raise some money for QRWC Each of these markets donates a small percentage of your purchases in
their supermarket to QRWC. At present we receive modest checks from both stores each month or quarter,
but if more of our members would use their cards, it would help us even more. If you need a card, please call
our number below.
[2] QRWC remains an all—volunteer land trust, saving thousands of dollars from overhead costs that have
been used instead for preservation of lands and for educational outreach.
We look forward to hearing from you. Have a productive and happy holiday season, and come and enjoy our Reserve.
Frank W Maurer, Jr.
Executive Director, QRWC
530-219-4477; frankmaurer41@gmail.com Website: www.quailridge.org
What do you get for your dollars donated to QRWC? As we consistently emphasize in our communications and publicity, we have a wonderful, nearby area protected for research and education. This is great in and of itself, but for our members and supporters there are additional benefits, all of which are on our website:
--Monthly educational walks for your family and guests
--Virtual Science Field Trips for K-12 school science classes
--Personal events on the Reserve for you to schedule with a group, club,
school, etc. of
special interest to you
--Online-accessible web cameras to view the Reserve and its wildlife
--Member-hosted home dessert parties for fun and for networking for QRWC
and the
--Access to QRWC’s Gift Boutique for unusual items relating to the Reserve and nature in general (go to www.quailridge.org/boutique.htm for the full listing)
QRWC has been in partnership with the UCD NRS since 1992 to help procure and preserve the natural! habitats
and wildlife diversity on Quai! Ridge Reserve and to promote scientific research and educational outreach to the
The UC Davis Quail Ridge Reserve had a number of remarkable successes this past year. The Reserve grew
through the acquisition of several key parcels made possible through the generous support from a variety of
sources. Exciting climate change research began. A staff-supported grant brought in new funding for the unique
fusion of scientific disciplines centered on animal movement. Infrastructure expansion has provided additional
housing for classes and researchers.
- Natural Reserve System staff secured funding from the Long Foundation to purchase the 22-acre parcel on
the northeast corner of the Reserve. This parcel was purchased several years ago by David Welborn, long-
time conservation supporter of both Quail Ridge Wilderness Conservancy and Quail Ridge Reserve. This is
the second parcel that Mr. Welborn purchased that the university has been able subsequently to purchase
from him. Thank you David, one more to go!
- The University acquired two properties from Lavoyce Mathis. She generously donated a 37-acre parcel
adjacent to the reserve located south of the Quail Ridge Field Station. Additionally, she sold the 10-acre
parcel in Decker Canyon that was the last inholding within the Reserve boundary. Thank you, LaVoyce!
- A project on breeding dragonflies on the Reserve in heated tanks is looking to see how different climate
change models will affect the timing of emergence, size, shape, and robustness of the dragonflies. The
theory is that they will emerge sooner, but possibly smaller and less able to fly great distances. Will they be
able to outrun climate effects on ponds in order to find water to reproduce?
- Using the infrastructure and communication capabilities of the QuRiNet Wireless Mesh Network,
researchers are developing a system to study animal movement, physiology, and behavior. The Quail Ridge
Automated Animal Tracking System (QRAAT) brings together biologists, engineers, and computer scientists
to build a system that will provide unprecedented data from small animals such as mice, song birds, reptiles,
and even dragonflies. New funding will link hardware, software, and biology providing real-time tracking and
physiological data.
- Further support from the Long Foundation provided funding for eight tent cabins. The canvas tents sit on
cantilevered decks being installed around the Quail Ridge Field Station. Four comfortable beds will fill the
tents still allowing for a nice covered deck space for lounging. The new facilities will allow classes to
comfortably stay at the Reserve any time of year or weather.

About QRWC Activities

QRWC News You
Can Help! Gift
Teacher Workshop
Businesses QRWC Video/DVD
e-mail: frankmaurer41@gmail.com with subject line Attention Frank QRWC