Hadley's Response

Date:  17-Mar-99 19:10:01  MsgID: OUTBOX 
MgTo:  W.O. & Marie Myrick 74362,3173
Subj:  Ian Hadley Campaign Statement International Chairman 

I am a Scot and feel pleased to be a Scot.  It represents a heritage that I need never be ashamed of, but I am also a Mensan and that heritage has perhaps greater value.

Whenever I travel around the world, I meet and spend time with Mensans.  It has become a matter of trust with me that I will find common ground no matter where I am, or with whom I meet.  Mensa is for me, above all else, a community of kindred spirits.  I often feel a stronger bond with fellow Mensans than I do with my countrymen.

I am conscious that a great many people make the decision to contribute their skills, enthusiasm and time to ensure that Mensa continues to provide an infrastructure wherein members can take benefit from the society.  These are the myriad volunteers from LocSecs to Chairman of the Board.  

It cannot be overstated that these people are collectively the foundation upon which Mensa depends for its stability.  They must not only be encouraged, they must be assisted in whichever manner is available to us as a society.  I don't see these volunteers as 'leaders' or 'bosses' but as dedicated and interested volunteers prepared to contribute skills and talents in an unselfish way to ensure that our society continues to provide a forum for kindred spirits to congregate and to enjoy mutual company. Whatever we can do, as long as it conforms to professional standards of conduct, we should do to assist and support them.  We must never take them for granted, or denigrate their efforts.

Ian Hadley

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