4: Conjunctive Use Management of the Groundwater Basin
The coordinated and integrated management of the County's surface
and groundwater resources, under a conjunctive use management
program, would aim to optimize the joint use of all water resources
in the County. This approach to water planning would require
a comprehensive consideration of County-wide water objectives
and the matching of the characteristics of different supplies
(such as quality, availability, cost, and reliability) to the
requirements of different water demands as conditions change
inside and outside the County. In general, greater benefits from
the conjunctive management of all water supplies together can
be achieved over the isolated management of each individual supply
This Chapter provides an exploration of potential conjunctive
use management opportunities for improving Yolo County's water
supply situation now and in the future, for addressing some of
the overdraft-related groundwater problems identified in the
previous Chapter, and for managing droughts. Opportunities introduced
in this Chapter include 1) various ideas for artificially enhancing
groundwater recharge using excess surface water; 2) ways of adjusting
the mix and match of supplies and demands within the County through
the exchange, redistribution or re-allocation of water supplies;
and 3) examples of how planned water transfers outside the County
might be designed to contribute positively under a conjunctive
use management approach to the County's overall water situation.
Before presenting specific conjunctive management strategies,
a brief comparative review of the characteristics of surface
and groundwater is provided in the first section. The different
roles these two types of water can play in conjunctively operated
water systems result directly from these characteristics. Next,
unmanaged flows in Cache Creek, and other surface supplies are
examined as possible sources of water for artificial recharge
schemes in the County. Then some specific concepts for artificial
recharge, redistribution of supplies, and planned water transfers
in Yolo County are described and assessed for their potential
contributions to the County's water system.
Characteristics of ground and surface water supplies, relevant
to conjunctive management, are compared below.
A.1. Availability and storage
The groundwater aquifer under the County provides a natural ready-made
long-term water storage reservoir for the County. Unlike most
surface water reservoirs, the aquifer can store water for longer,
even unlimited periods of time, making it available when needed
in drought years. The groundwater basin under Yolo County in
the depth range of 20 to 420 feet below the ground surface can
store 14,038,000 acre-feet of water (Scott,
et al., 1975, p.48). In contrast, Clear Lake and Indian Valley
reservoir in the Cache Creek watershed contain only 320,000 and
260,000 acre-feet of storage respectively (YCFCWCD,
1986). As mentioned in Chapter 3, about 700,000 acre-feet
of empty storage space existed in 1975 in Yolo's aquifer according
to Scott's study (1975). The current drought (beginning in 1987)
had removed an additional one million acre-feet of groundwater
from storage by fall 1990 (Borcalli
and Associates, 1992, p.26). Thus, ample free storage space
is available in the County for conjunctive use activities and
artificial groundwater recharge.
Reliable direct use of surface water requires surface water
storage reservoirs because the timing of natural streamflow does
not match the times when water is required (compare monthly flow
in Cache Creek, Figure 7 and monthly water use in Yolo County,
Figures 3) in California. No new reservoirs for storing Cache
Creek water are anticipated for Yolo County. Clear Lake and Indian
Valley reservoir operate on an annual cycle, regulating stream
flows between the wet and dry seasons within a given year. They
lack the capacity to provide sufficient carryover storage from
year to year in case of droughts. The availability of water imports
into the County from the Sacramento River also depends on water
storage capacity in the Sacramento River system reservoirs, which
is unlikely to be increased.
A.2. Access and distribution
The aquifer is a natural distribution system, and thus reduces
the need to build above ground distribution systems. Wells can
be installed in different and distant places to tap recharge
placed in the aquifer at another time and place. Water stored
in the groundwater basin can be made available when and where
needed simply by controlling flow at the pump, as long as the
aquifer has water and the well is deep enough. On the other hand,
surface water requires that distribution systems be constructed
and operated to transport water from withdrawal points to areas
where it is needed in the County.
A.3. Quality and treatment
Expensive water treatment systems generally are not necessary
for municipal/domestic groundwater supply because the bacterial
quality of groundwater is good and the TDS is acceptable. In
a few localized areas in the County, problems with TDS may preclude
using groundwater for some M&I uses without treatment. However
decentralized point-of-use treatment options, such as reverse
osmosis home units, might easily correct most TDS-related problems
and are becoming more affordable. For agriculture the quality
of groundwater in Yolo County is generally good, except in those
localized areas having high boron levels mentioned in Chapter
Surface water quality is superior to groundwater quality for
agriculture because of its lower TDS. But surface water's poor
bacterial quality, high turbidity, trace carcinogenic organics
(especially trihalomethane precursors), and various other quality
parameters make it less suited for M&I use and necessitate
large expensive treatment plants. Unlike M&I uses, agricultural
uses of surface water require no water treatment and benefit
from lower TDS levels, as compared to those of groundwater. For
some industrial and other applications, however, the significantly
lower TDS of surface water can outweigh its other quality problems.
A.4. Legal rights
Legally, entitlements to ground and surface waters are very different.
While rights to surface waters are well developed and clearly
defined in California, groundwater rights remain undefined, and
poorly controlled. This causes some difficulty for effective
management of groundwater because legal or institutional controls
on the quantities and locations of groundwater pumping are difficult
to achieve (Kletzing, 1988).
A.5. Costs
On the cost side, for M&I users, although initial investment
in well/pump installation can be risky and somewhat expensive,
it is generally much cheaper compared to building a surface water
treatment plant, and installing the larger pipes required for
distribution from a centralized point. In agriculture, there
can be extra costs of using surface water both for the conveyance
system needed to get supplies from storage/withdrawal points
to farm sites and for any pressurization required for special
irrigation technology. Costs for groundwater supplies also involve
the extra operating costs of pumping which vary with the depth
to groundwater. In general, groundwater is much cheaper than
surface water for small and moderate-sized M&I applications,
while in agriculture the comparative costs of surface and groundwater
depend strongly on local conditions and water subsidies.
A.6. Reliability and local control
From the perspective of reliability and local control, groundwater
is superior to surface water as a supply source for the County.
Surface water from the Sacramento River, the second single most
important water resource after groundwater in the County, is
susceptible to hydrologic fluctuations, institutional controls,
decision-making power located outside the County, and competition
from many other more powerful entities in the state.
Excess surface water, under conjunctive use management, can be
put to use recharging Yolo County's groundwater basin to recover
storage after a period of heavy groundwater use or to mitigate
localized overdraft problems. The first step in developing artificial
recharge schemes is to identify possible sources of excess surface
water and their availability.
B.1. Unmanaged Cache Creek surface water
Winter runoff from the Cache Creek watershed amounts to an average
of 307,000 acre-feet and is theoretically available for artificial
recharge. This figure is the sum of the historical (1903-1989)
average flow for the months of December through May at the Yolo
gage on Cache Creek plotted in Figure 7. Streamflow at Yolo represents
runoff in Cache Creek after irrigation withdrawals and natural
aquifer recharge (discussed in Chapter 3) have been removed.
Runoff water leaves the County through the Yolo bypass as
unmanaged flows into the Sacramento River and onward to the Delta
. In reality these unmanaged flows are highly variable quantities
in any given month and year. During the period 1980-1989 (excluding
data missing for 1984), the average amount of unmanaged water
in Cache Creek at Yolo from December through May was 480,000
acre-feet (see Figure 7).
By appropriating some of this unmanaged water, artificial recharge
schemes using excess Cache Creek water could be developed. The
operation of such schemes would be limited to the rainy season
of wet years. In practice, the amount of water which could be
recharged is limited by the size of feasible spreading areas,
by the rate of surface infiltration and deep percolation, and
by the actual availability of these unmanged flows in the Creek,
on a day to day basis, during the wet season. It would be impossible
to recharge all of the excess water into the aquifer. In Figure
7, the wet month with the lowest historical average flow is May,
at 12, 241 acre-feet, followed by March, at 22,703 acre-feet.
Systems designed to operate with the average May flow would
be quite reasonable in size (see section C.5)
and could be operated continuously for six months to provide
about 60,000 acre-feet of groundwater recharge. Increasing the
areas for infiltration, for example, to take advantage of the
full average March flow, could achieve recharge approaching 100,000
acre-feet in average wet years. However, larger systems will
more frequently operate below capacity during wet periods than
more conservatively sized designs. Phasing in capacity is the
most appropriate solution to uncertainty about predicting operations.
B.2. Treated urban wastewater
Treated wastewater from the cities of Davis and Woodland represents
about 55 percent of their water use, or about 7,000 acre-feet/year
from each city. Currently this water is discharged into drainage
canals which flow into the Yolo Bypass. Much of the wastewater,
during the irrigation season, ends up being withdrawn downstream
for irrigation by farmers in the County. At other times of the
year, it mixes with surface runoff and flows into the Sacramento
River system. This water should be considered as a potential
water supply for artificial recharge.
B.3. Surface water from outside Yolo County
Other sources of surface water for recharge activities are the
Sacramento River and Putah Creek. Above average flows from either
watershed during the rainy season could be used. Because the
control of both of these sources lies outside the County's boundaries,
getting their use for recharge projects will require more involved
negotiations and arrangements with the respective institutions,
and having to compete with other state water players who are
also looking at artificial groundwater recharge. Access to Sacramento
River water could be made either at the river along the eastern
edge of Yolo County, or via the Tehama-Colusa canal and its possible
extension into the County as far as Cache Creek. Putah Creek
excess flows are also a potential source of water for a) enhanced
recharge through the channel sytem; b) diversion to recharge
sites in adjacent areas like those near Davis; or c) diversion
to more distant sites that could be accessed with the YCFCWCD's
distribution system and a hypothetical connector between Putah
Creek and YCFCWCD's Winter's canal, near Winters. Much less has
been studied about instream recharge in Putah Creek than in Cache
Creek and very little information is available about the present
and potential role Putah Creek plays in groundwater recharge.
However, consideration of Putah Creek water for recharge into
the southern edge of the County's aquifer would be worthwhile,
especially as it might affect the groundwater balance around
Surface water recharge schemes can be designed to address specific
groundwater problems, to prepare for drought year water demands,
and to augment average year supplies. Unmanaged and extra winter
flood flows in Cache Creek, the Sacramento River, and Putah Creek
could be appropriated or imported into the County for artificially
recharging different parts of the groundwater aquifer. This section
will examine some artificial recharge opportunities that could
form parts of a conjunctive approach to the management of Yolo
County's water system.
A variety of artificial recharge methods are feasible. Surface
water spreading operations such as spreading basins, infiltration
pits, ponding, and stream modification, are the most commonly
used techniques (Asano, 1985;
Pettyjohn, 1981). Injection
or recharge wells, where surface water is pumped directly into
the aquifer, are more expensive to build and more costly to operate.
Induced recharge is another mechanism, different in principle
from either surface or injection methods, that operates at the
interface between surface channels and the groundwater aquifer.
Greater infiltration from an adjacent stream channel into the
groundwater basin can be induced by pumping from a series of
wells installed along side the channel. When pumped, these wells
cause the water table gradients between the stream and the wells
to steepen towards the wells, literally drawing in more water
from the stream. Seven different artificial recharge concepts
for Yolo County, mainly using unmanaged Cache Creek water, are
conceptually presented in the following sections.
C.1. Recharge using irrigation distribution system canals
The YCFCWCD distribution system contributes about 30,000 acre-feet/year
of recharge to the aquifer during the irrigation season from
April to September. Assuming that this recharge quantity is evenly
distributed in time, the system can recharge about 5,000 acre-feet/month.
From information on the canal lengths and sizes in the distribution
system (see Appendix C), approximately 440 acres of infiltration
surface area exists when the system operates at design depth.
Based on the system loss rate, and this area, an infiltration
rate of 0.38 feet/day can be assumed. This is a reasonable rate
for the soil conditions in Yolo County and in the canals (Fredericksen, Kamine and Associates,
1978, p.IV-19).
Filling the canals during the off-season with excess Cache
Creek winter water from mid-November through mid-March might
provide approximately 20,000 acre-feet of additional groundwater
recharge. Modifications to the distribution system would be necessary
to maintain sufficiently high depths in the canals. Other aspects
of the scheme might necessitate modifications to the headworks
for silt and flow control during flood season, and minor changes
to reservoir and flood operations. This scheme would entail costs
for these modifications and for extra operating costs by the
YCFCWCD. Recharge would directly benefit areas under the canal
system, mainly Cache Creek, Upper Cache-Putah, and Plainfield
Ridge sub-basins, and would also serve to increase subsurface
recharge from the Upper Cache-Putah to the Lower Cache-Putah
sub-basin. Secondary effects from higher groundwater tables would
need to be explored. However, this scheme would make a general
contribution to increased storage in the whole system.
Recovery of the recharged water could occur either through drought
year pumping, through irrigation season pumping at YCFCWCD centrally
managed well fields optimally located (i.e., in very full areas)
in the affected sub-basins, or through increased pumping by private
users in these sub-basins. The additional recharge would allow:
a) the more even distribution of groundwater withdrawals throughout
the Flood Control's district, by allowing them to enter into
the conjunctive use and management of their Cache Creek surface
water with groundwater pumped from these centrally managed well
fields and distributed to farmers through the district's canal
system or even transfered to other uses elsewhere within the
County (e.g. Woodland or Davis); or b) diversion of more of YCFCWCD's
surface water away from the fuller western sub-basins to YZWD,
while western farmers directly pumped the recharged groundwater
instead. These two activities might be used to help reverse the
heavy overdraft in the YZWD area, reduce subsidence there, improve
recharge to the Yolo-Woodland-Zamora area of the aquifer, and
more effectively use the groundwater in the western part of the
C.2. Winter season irrigation applications
Pre-season irrigation of bare fields can enhance and contribute
to deep percolation of either rainfall or subsequent irrigation.
Excess winter stream flow could be made available in wet years
to farms in overdraft areas(around Yolo and Woodland for example)
or east of the Plainfield Ridge sub-basin, for one or two additional
off-season irrigations to their fields. Because winter evapotranspiration
demands are low, most of this water should contribute to recharge.
Two additional applications of 3-4 inches could yield as much
as 500-660 acre-feet of recharge per 1,000 acres of farmland.
If 25 percent of the YCFCWCD service area where involved, this
operation could potentially contribute 22,000 to 29,000 acre-feet/year
of additional recharge.
Costs would depend on whether new distribution canals would
have to be constructed to reach overdraft areas. This would be
the case for parts of Lower Cache-Putah sub-basin. YCFCWCD operational
changes and extra costs would be similar in nature to those described
above for scheme C.1. The irrigation applications would also
involve some extra farm costs. As a recharge source, this scheme
could benefit overdraft areas and their problems directly.
C.3. Cache Creek induced recharge for Davis/Woodland supplies
The reach along Cache Creek from Esparto Bridge to half a mile
upstream of Stephens Bridge gains flow from groundwater under
the influence of the existing water table gradients in this region.
This section of the creek does not currently contribute much
if any recharge to the groundwater during the winter recharge
season. Locating a network of induced recharge wells or infiltration
galleries ('Raney wells') parallel and close to the Creek at
the lower end of this reach, and pumping groundwater during the
wet season to be delivered by pipeline to Davis and Woodland,
could capture some of the unmanaged Creek flows and increase
recharge in this area. Given the high permeability of the shallow
basin and creek materials, this induced recharge mechanism should
be feasible.
The benefits of this scheme would result from supplying the water
demands of the cities of Davis and Woodland, the only significant
water demands in the County for the operating period. If the
combined water demands of these two cities for December through
May, could be met by this operation, the cities could reduce
their groundwater pumping in Lower Cache-Putah sub-basin. At
current demand levels, 9,600 acre-feet of induced pumping would
be needed. This is equivalent to a continuous pumping rate of
only 27 cfs during the six month period, and suggests that future
demands projected at 14,000 acre-feet in 2010 (see Table A.2
and A.3) could be met as well. A pipeline from near Stephens
Bridge to Davis (13.5 miles) and Woodland (7 miles) would be
required, but major water treatment might be reduced and even
avoided because of the natural filtration process of passing
the water through the ground. Furthermore, the potentially lower
hardness of induced Creek surface water would be an improvement
over existing groundwater quality in these cities. Boron in Cache
Creek runoff might be a concern. Costs could be substantial but
are likely to be much less, by avoiding treatment, than the costs
of developing surface water supplies now being proposed for Davis
and Woodland. Other benefits may easily offset these costs. Reducing
groundwater pumping in the vicinity of both cities would help
to control the overdraft problems in the whole Lower Cache-Putah
portion of the aquifer and improve the cities' local groundwater
balance going into a drought period.
C.4. The YCFCWCD Cache Creek recharge concept
The YCFCWCD has proposed a scheme (Borcalli
and Associates, 1990) to use and operate the upper Cache
Creek sub-basin as an underground water storage reservoir and
to capture some of the unmanaged flows from Cache Creek. Artificial
recharge basins created along Cache Creek between Capay and Esparto,
and downstream of the Interstate 505 crossing as far as Stephens
Bridge, would be used to enhance recharge infiltration from the
Creek into the aquifer. A number of operational problems exist
with this scheme. Because most of the sub-basin is presently
full, the YCFCWCD proposes to pump the aquifer during the May
to November period down to the historic low levels reached in
the fall of 1977 (50-70 feet below average annual groundwater
elevations) to create space for recharging the excess unmanaged
Creek flows. Drawdown of the basin poses several difficult problems.
First the impact on private wells in the area must be mitigated,
both in terms of increased pumping costs and dried up wells.
More importantly however are the consequences of this drawdown
on the storage in the basin going into a drought period. The
scheme requires intentionally drawing down the aquifer in anticipation
of winter flood flows. The inability to forecast future rainfall
poses serious problems in this scheme for managing resources
for drought conditions, and ignores the critical dependence during
drought years on groundwater supplies. It is not clear whether
the objectives of this scheme are for drought management or for
increasing the quantities of YCFCWCD's marketable water in normal
years. Finally such a big drawdown has far reaching consequences
for changing the groundwater flow patterns throughout the basin.
Customers or users will also have to be found for the significant
amounts of water pumped, estimated at 30,000 acre-feet, that
will be necessary to create the underground storage space. Irrigation
is the only demand of this magnitude, however YCFCWCD customers
appear to be more than satisfied with the quantities the district
supplies in wet years (indicated by YCFCWCD irrigation sales
in 1989). Many farmers may prefer to pump there own groundwater
at a comparable or lower cost than purchasing YCFCWCD system
water from this scheme in the wet years when it is available.
In terms of the water resource problems of the County, this recharge
concept only addresses a questionable need for increased future
agricultural water supplies. County-wide groundwater problems
may actually be exacerbated by this operation -- firstly by reducing
the flow of groundwater from west to east in the Cache Creek
sub-basin and from the Upper to the Lower Cache-Putah sub-basin;
-- secondly by drawing down groundwater storage during wet years
when it should be being protected or built up for drought periods;
and thirdly by increasing the likelihood of compaction of the
clay lenses, consolidation of the sand/gravel mixes, and associated
subsidence and loss of storage capacity in the Cache Creek groundwater
sub-basin under the repeated draw down of the water table to
the extreme low set in the 1977 drought.
C.5. Enhanced recharge along lower Cache Creek
Recharge basins or pits, located in the gravel areas along the
lower reaches of Cache Creek, could be used to recharge overdraft
areas located in Lower Cache-Putah, Colusa and eastern Cache
Creek (east of Plainfield Ridge and Stephens Bridge) sub-basins.
Infiltration rates for the permeable gravel along Cache Creek
are in the range of 5 to 6 feet/day (Richardson,
1961). To recharge 60,000 acre-feet in three months, approximately
100-150 acres of basin area are required. Assuming lower infiltration
rates, of 2 feet/day (Moreland,
1972), 330 acres would be required. These are small areas
compared to the size of areas designatied for gravel sites along
Cache Creek below Stephens Bridge. Areas along the lower portion
of Cache Creek east of Plainfield Ridge provide two conditions
conducive to artificial recharge, both of which are lacking in
much of the Cache Creek sub-basin to the west of Plainfield Ridge.
First, the basin in the lower area is not full, and therefore
has considerable room to store recharge. Second, Cache Creek
from Stephens Bridge to Yolo is always a source of infiltration
to the aquifer, which is not the case for sections of Cache Creek.