1. Map of Yolo County showing water resources and major water agencies (go to section) 2. Map of Yolo County showing areas supplied by surface water (go to section) 3. Estimated monthly average water use in Yolo County for 1990 (go to section) 4. Map of the groundwater sub-basins in Yolo County (go to section) 5. Estimated impact of droughts on groundwater use in Yolo County (go to section) 6. Groundwater elevation contour map of Yolo County in Spring 1982 (go to section) 7. Historical monthly average streamflows in Cache Creek recorded at the Yolo stream gage for 1903-1989 and 1980-1989 (go to section) C-1. Map of artificial recharge sites in Yolo County proposed by Scott, et al. (1975) (go to section) D-1. Diagram of compaction- and subsidence-related effects (go to section) |
Preface Title Page Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Water Use 3.Groundwater Resources 4. Conjunctive Use 5. Planning 6. Conclusions/Recommendations List of Tables References Appendix A Appendix B Appendix D |