D: Explanation of Compaction and Subsidence
The diagram in Figure D-1 shows the steps in the process leading
to subsidence of the land surface and related effects caused
by groundwater overdraft. In stage 1, the initial state before
pumping withdrawals begin, the quantity of water stored in the
aquifer is V1. Associated
with this equilibrium state is the depth of the water table position
below the ground, H1. The
onset of pumping activities in stage 2 causes discharge rates
to exceed recharge rates in a localized area, setting up a condition
of overdraft. Drawdown of the water level in the aquifer (or
a reduction in pressure head in confined aquifers) results. The
volume of water in storage is reduced to V2.
In some aquifer materials, especially clays, and in some types
of unconsolidated aggregate and sand formations, de-watering
or reduced water pressures lead to compaction (of clays) or consolidation
(of sand/aggregates) of the affected layers. The immediate physical
consequences are reduced porosity and subsidence of the land
surface over the overdraft area.
A lowered porosity in the water bearing aquifer material reduces
its water volume storage capacity, and can reduce transmissivity
as well. Stage 3 of Figure D-1 demonstrates what can happen if
increased recharge volumes become available, through artificial
recharge for example, to recover lost storage. Because the actual
physical storage capacity of the aquifer may have been reduced
through the compaction of clays and consolidation during severe
drawdown/overdraft events, refilling the aquifer to hold the
same volume of water, V1,
as in the initial condition will force the water level to rise
above the stage 1 elevation. The distance separating the water
table from the ground surface, H3,
is reduced from the initial depth H1.
High water tables can interfere with crop production and increase
natural groundwater discharges at springs, to streams, and as
subsurface outflow at the boundaries of the region. Moreover,
simply restoring groundwater levels to historical averages may
give false indications of the actual quantities of water in storage,
resulting in less actual water available for future pumping than
Compaction and subsidence can occur bit by bit during each
drawdown event. When groundwater levels are restored, after an
overdraft episode, partial rebound can occur, but initial conditions
of porosity and land elevation can never be restored. Thus, each
repeated overdraft episode in subsidence-susceptible aquifer
materials, even within the limits of historical drawdowns, will
add adversely to the degree of compaction and subsidence.
Problems arising from overdraft-induced
compaction and subsidence are: a) structural damage, drainage
problems and increased flooding risk; b) changes in flow patterns
brought about by the higher water table in stage 3, and possible
surface infiltration problems and evapotranspiration losses from
groundwater; and c) reduced well yields associated with reduced